Dragon’s Egg at Triskelion: Caitlin Ryan O’Connell and Shelley Fort

Caitlin Ryan O’Connell will be directing Shelley Fort in a piece for the Dragon’s Egg Presents concert at Triskelion, in Brooklyn, on September 24th, at 2 pm. Contact Marya at mybeasts@aol.com for information and for tickets ($15). Do come! xo m Caitlin Ryan O’Connell is a theatre director and teaching artist focused on creating work […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents at Triskelion: Jason Rabin

Every year, the Dragon’s Egg presents a few of the dancers/actors/musicians who have been in residence at the Egg during the past couple of years. We normally host around 40 residencies a year, but we present from 8 – 12 artists in the fall, in NYC. The concert this year will be held […]
Dragon’s Egg at Triskelion: Melody Ruffin Ward
Every year, the Dragon’s Egg presents a few of the dancers/actors/musicians who have been in residence at the Egg during the past couple of years. We normally host around 40 residencies a year, but we present from 8 – 12 artists in the fall, in NYC. The concert this year will be held at […]
Team Awesome Robot

Upcoming residency at the Egg! Team Awesome Robot will be in residence from 9/30 – 10/4/2016, with an open showing on Sunday, 10/2 at 1:30 pm.. Free or donation! Company Bio: (photo attached) Team Awesome Robot is a theatrical collaboration initiative with a focus on new plays. We are storytellers drawn […]
Dragon’s Egg at Triskelion: Trina Mannino

Every year, the Dragon’s Egg presents a few of the dancers/actors/musicians who have been in residence at the Egg during the past couple of years. We normally host around 40 residencies a year, but we present from 8 – 12 artists in the fall, in NYC. The concert this year will be held at […]
Dragon’s Egg at Triskelion

Every year, the Dragon’s Egg presents a few of the dancers/actors/musicians who have been in residence at the Egg during the past couple of years. We normally host around 40 residencies a year, but we present from 8 – 12 artists in the fall, in NYC. The concert this year will be held at […]
The New Collectives at the Egg!

THE COMPANY: The New Collectives is New York based theatre and film collective. We gather stories, ideas, and inspiration. We find individuals with wildly different talents. We collect it all together, connect the dots, and create something new that runs beautifully. Our mission is to create new, intimate, and innovative works drawing inspiration from classic […]
A Cat Named Toni Morrison

A Cat Named Toni Morrison is in residence at the Dragon’s Egg this week! A Cat named Toni Morrison: A National Theater Institute Alumni Company Our theatrical collective is comprised entirely of early-career professional theater artists who attended the National Theater Institute Fall 2013 Semester Program. While working on our Final Project: It’s All Relative,a companydevised […]
the Nadine Project: a Dance Showing

Come to a showing of work in progress this Saturday, July 9th, at 5 pm, at the Egg! July 5th -10th the Nadine Project will be in residence at the Dragon’s Egg! Their residency will conclude with an Informance on Saturday July 9th at 5pm. We hope you’ll join us! Works by: […]
Meta Meta at the Egg

I look forward to seeing you at the Metamorphoses Project next Saturday, June 25, at 4 pm, at the Egg. Come a bit early so that you catch the preshow roving by gods and goddesses, nymphs and beasts. And, for you preparation, you might want to listen to the Incredible String Band for this whimsical […]
The Metamorphoses – an Assemblage Event!

The Metamorphoses – an Assemblage Project Come to this year’s Narrative Project, an assemblage of riffs on Ovid’s Metamorphoses! The text is vast, moving from chaos to creation to metamorphic misdemeanors to violence and to the chaos of power. There will be dance and song, monologue, puppetry, and theatre. This is our […]
Art Bark at the Egg

Art Bark Showing! this Friday at 5 pm at the Dragon’s Egg!! I hope you can come..it will be wonderful! (I shall still be in Israel) xo m ArtBark is thrilled to close out their third residency at the beloved Dragon’s Egg by gifting the community with a free showing of the fruits of their […]
Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts in Residence at the Egg

Matt Garza is an educator and performance artist originally from South Texas. A practicing yoga teacher, Garza is A 5-year company member of New Works/World Traditions Dance Company, a founding member of the God(dess) Artist Collective, and is currently the permanent Dance Artist in Residence at TAPA: Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts in Providence, […]
HiveMind Theater Collective

We have been honoured to host HiveMind a number of times at the Dragon’s Egg. Here is a short bit about them: HiveMind Theater Collective is a multi-city based devised physical theater company and is an artist centered, revolving door company. This means that the artists that are involved in our work are able to […]
Morgan Griffin in Residence!!

griffindance is a New York City based dance company founded by Morgan Griffin. The company is based on the concepts of imagination, discovery, and inspirations. By combining outside inspirations such as film, photography, fashion, and writings, griffindance works to create a space and an environment that is new; one that magically evolves as entirely different […]
Andrea Ward in Residence! 4/24-30

Andrea Ward is a contemporary dance choreographer from Florida. She is a member of the Isodoc Dance Group in New York City as well as a teacher for the Intrigue Dance Intensive. Andrea started choreographing as soon as she started dancing at age eight and she dreams of one day having her own company. Her […]
Raving Jaynes at the Egg!

The Raving Jaynes are excited to return to Egg for a weekend of improvisational explorations! We’ll be ending our rehearsal period each evening with a short performance. Since it’s improvised, each night will be different! Come for one or come for all three! On Saturday we will be joined by viola player Richard Kim! We’d […]
The Hive Returns!

Hive mind theatre collective gathers again at the Egg, in early April. Look for more on them soon! xox
Raving Jaynes will be in Residence!!

The Raving Jaynes will be working hard at the Dragon’s Egg to discover new worlds of improvisation. Please join us at 5:15 Thursday, March 24th, Friday, March 25th and/or Saturday, March 26th as we cap off each day of rehearsal with a 40 minute showing. Each night will be different so feel free to come […]
Marya at Worcester Art Museum!

Marya will be doing her Solo performance version of SkyTails, using dance and mask, text and puppet, scroll story and song, to tell a series of Native American stories at the Worcester Art Museum, this Saturday, November 14th, at 11 am, at the Worcester Art Museum 55 Salisbury St, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 I hope to […]
Tellabration at the Egg!
This Sunday – at the Dragon’s Egg! The Connecticut Storytelling Center is hosting storytelling all over the state this month, and on Sunday, November 15, at 4 pm, we shall host one of the events in this celebration of storytelling – at the Dragon’s Egg! at 401 Shewville Road, Ledyard, Ct. Tellers will include Sara […]
The Passion Play of Don Quixote

Yes, it was amazing, this assemblage of reflections on Don Quixote. One performer, Ara Fitzgerald, characterized the event “a passion play for Don Quixote”. Here is the programme, for your interest, and a few photos. xox Quixotic Dream: the Don Quixote Project November 7th, 2015, the Twelfth Narrative Event at the Egg assembled yearly […]
Quixote Dreams of Rosinante

Saturday! November 7th at 4 pm – a one time only event! Come to the Quixotic Dream, riffs on the novel by Cervantes: Don Quixote. Suitable for all ages. xo m