Modern/Contemporary Dance Technique

July 5: 5:30 – 6:45, Contemporary/Modern Technique Dance; $15. Chloe Carlson We will focus on the joy of moving and on individual artistic expression as we explore spacious, vigorous dancing and engage in a movement community. Class includes a structured warm-up leading to longer phrases in center and across the floor. Some previous […]
Mystic Moves Dance: Modern Class Begins

Modern Dance with Christine Poland

MODERN DANCE! AT THE DRAGON’S EGG (401 Shewville Road/Ledyard, CT) TUESDAYS 5-6PM 8 WEEK WORKSHOP SEPTEMBER 6 – OCTOBER 25 AGES pre-teen to adults $10 per class/$70 for the 8 weeks Join Christine Poland for a modern dance workshop. Class begins with a center barre warmup and moves to the floor for Bartenieff fundamentals, exploring […]
the Nadine Project: a Dance Showing

Come to a showing of work in progress this Saturday, July 9th, at 5 pm, at the Egg! July 5th -10th the Nadine Project will be in residence at the Dragon’s Egg! Their residency will conclude with an Informance on Saturday July 9th at 5pm. We hope you’ll join us! Works by: […]
Contemporary Technique at the Egg!

Contemporary Technique Wednesday, June 29: 5:30 – 6:45 with Chloe Carlson: The joy of moving; engaging in dialogue and community, and individual artistic expression are what we will focus on as we explore full-bodied, fluid and vigorous dancing. Class includes structured phrases to warm up, leading to longer sequences in center and across […]
Summer Dance Sampler!

Summer Dance Sampler Pre registration for each class singly please! Cheque to Mystic Paper Beasts with the particular class in the subject line. That will be how we know if a class is a “go” or not.. NB Zumba ($12) and Kundalini Meditation ($5 donation) are both one hour classes. Summer […]
Dance Sampler Begins with an Ahhhh

Come try something new, or familiar! Play, dance, rest, learn, expand your way of being. Here is the schedule for the annual summer dance sampler series at the Dragon’s Egg, organized by Marya Ursin. Summer Dance Sampler 6/4- 7/30, 2014 Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:30 pm, @ $12, unless otherwise noted Pre registration for […]