Dragon's Egg Studio
Dragon's Egg Studio
Dragon's Egg Studio
Dragon's Egg Studio
Dragon's Egg Studio


Which comes first, the dragon or the egg?


Egg fall

Greetings and wishes for well being and peace, in this new year!

The Dragon’s Egg continues to be (slowly) under reconstruction.  I think of dances in which the stillness is key to the rhythm, and can only assume this is part of the song of the Dragon’s Egg, this pause.  And then there will be activity, and flurries, and always, the creative spirit that all have brought here over the years.  

Early foot water

Meanwhile, we are doing the monthly Living Room Playreading series in our, umm, living room.  The next such will be on 1/11 at 2 pm.  We shall be reading “Lady Windermere’s Fan” by Oscar Wilde.  Please be in touch with Marya if you plan to come, and, if so, if you will be a reader.

Marya will be doing a beastie show outside of Boston on January 24th.

We have a Valentine’s poetry zoom event coming up.

Sophia s pear

We have the Hygienic Egg, with the theme of Pygmalion coming in March.

We may, again, do an Earth Day/May Day event, possibly also on zoom, so many from around the earth may join.

There will be Earth Day, and possibly a summer Narrative Project – this depends on the construction on the Egg.  It might end up being a house party weekend theatrical event.  We shall see.

Fairies in egg2

And, in the fall, we have Dragon’s Egg Presents at University Settlement in NYC.

Yay!  Yes, why not is the answer!

We wish you well.  May you walk in Peace.

Bathing full moon

Tellabration – A success in sharing stories and time!

LR Tella listening

Tellabration – living room style – was lovely yesterday! Tellers were Tami Capriotti, Nicky Checker, and the Beasts – in the corpus of me. Stories went from traditional, to portions of novels realistic, and fantastic.

LR Tella tami

It was a small audience, but warm. An intimate afternoon of stories and conversation, tea and cookies…

LR Tella nicky

Next up is A Child’s Christmas in Wales, a round robin reading, on December 8th, and 2 pm. Please bring your own copy, and come join us for holiday mulled cider and the wonderful writing of Dylan Thomas. (rsvp to my email, please)

LR Tella marya1

Tellabration! Saturday, November 9, at 3 pm


Couple throngsculp

Tellabration! Yay!!!
Saturday, 11/9 at 3 pm
8 Hancox Street, Stonington

To honor storytelling, the Ct. Storytelling Center hosts storytelling events throughout the state during the month of November.
The Dragon’s Egg has consistently been a part of this event.
This year, we shall have a Living Room Tellabration!!! With a number of tellers, on
Saturday, 11/9, at 3 pm
At our home at 8 Hancox Street, in Stonington.
The tellers: Steve and Ako, Nick, Tami, Marya.
Please join us! There will be tea and cookies and stories and You!

I look forward to seeing you. Rsvp so I have an idea of the seating, and cookies!

And – put this on your calendar: we shall have a round robin reading of
A Child’s Christmas in Wales on December 8th, at 2 pm.

I look forward to seeing you!

xo namaste, Marya

Cat dog

Homage to Merce

Lovely!   Wish I could go..



Cat butterfly Yale

Samhain blessings

The moon will be transiting scorpio from about midday on Thursday through Saturday eve. It will be “void of course” in the middle of Saturday night for a short time. The moon will be dark and then new early Friday.

Coinciding with the dark moon this Friday Nov 1, the next few days are an especially potent time for a home ritual. Samhain (aka Halloween or All Hallows) is the halfway point between fall equinox and winter solstice.

Lunar Samhain is traditionally the dark moon closest to the halfway point between fall equinox and winter solstice.

The dark moon spans 3 days when the moon is not visible, so you could celebrate this Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

burn white sage!

Samhain ushers in the dark time of the year, when like the plants, you’re naturally pulled down to your roots—to draw inward and rest.

Many cultures consider this to be the time of the year when the veils between the worlds are thin. So it’s a powerful time to connect with your beloved dead and ancestors.

It can also be a time of letting go—perhaps an old way of being, or your experiences over the past year.In whatever way you choose honor Samhain this year, this seasonal marker is a powerful opportunity for healing.

(taken from Corinna Wood’s message)


Marya elf


11/9 at 3 pm

To honor storytelling, the Ct. Storytelling Center hosts storytelling events throughout the state during the month of November.
The Dragon’s Egg has consistently been a part of this event.

This year, we shall have a Living Room Tellabration!!! With a number of tellers, on
Saturday, 11/9, at 3 pm
At our home at 8 Hancox Street, in Stonington.
Please join us! There will be tea and cookies and stories and You!

And – put this on your calendar: we shall have a round robin reading of
A Child’s Christmas in Wales on December 8th, at 2 pm.

I look forward to seeing you!

Upcoming Living Room Events!

Misty at jane lahr s


Next Sunday, on October 20th, we shall have tea and read, together, The Birthday Party, by Harold Pinter, in our Living Room at 8 Hancox Street in Stonington. You may read or listen. I look forward to seeing you!
Do please RSVP.

Then, on November 9th, Saturday, at 3 pm, we shall have our Living Room Tellabration, for tellers and listeners alike! Please come, and let me know via email if you would like to be a teller or a listener.

We shall have a Holiday Gathering in December to read A Child’s Christmas in Wales… we might do this as a zoom meeting as well as an in person one. Date tbd. Interested?

I don’t think we can do a living room holiday bazaar, as we have been wont to do at the Egg in past years, but I shall think on that! heh.

This week, I have marya zoom yoga on Tuesday at 8:30 am
and on Friday and Sunday at 8 am.

And the full moon is on Thursday!!

xo marya

Tellabration is coming!

Hallow orange leaf

As usual, we plan to host Tellabration 2024, but we have no Dragon’s Egg this year.   

I am thinking of alternative ways to honour and celebrate storytelling during November: 
These would be in our Living Room in Stonington, so it would be informal, and would be a bit more like a small gathering/party for friends.
I would use the official Storytelling Center proclamation and have various tellers.  This could also include poets who have poems that may also tell a story, or Singers who have a song that tells a story.  
 I think it might be fun, and an alternative to the event at the Egg.

Here are the date possibilities I have:
11/9 at 11 am or at 3 pm or at 4 pm
11/10 at 4 pm
11/17 at 3 or 4

More information to follow.   Yay!


Luminaria walkway

Luminaria walk at Copp Family Farm last night, October 4th –

Luminaria anna aarya adeline indigo grace

Luminaria frida2

magic was indeed afoot!


Luminaria aarya mushroom2

yay Aarya, Anna, Grace, Adeline, Indigo, Madeline, Frida, Jennifer, Rachel, David, Dan, and moi!

Closing Party at the Hygienic is Thursday, Sept. 26



Painting by Janvier Miller


I so look forward to seeing you all for our Closing Party for the show at the Hygienic,
which has featured work by Eva Leong, Gus and Jan Miller, Dan Potter, Marya Ursin,
on Thursday – 9/26 – from 4-6 pm.
The Hygienic Galleries is located at 79 Bank Street in New London.


Micheline  Pencil pastel and sumi ink on paper 17 x  22 $500

Painting by Dan Potter

This is your last chance to see the show!
I shall be taking it down late afternoon on Saturday.

Eva MARKET 17 x 66 oil on linen $3 900

Painting by Eva Leong

I am planning on a panel discussion with the artists, and then a short poetry reading by Melanie Greenhouse, Lana Orphanides, and Dan Potter. This will run from 4:30 – 5:30, roughly, though we may begin a bit earlier, like 4:15, if we are so moved.

We’ll serve seltzer and cookies.

Ceramic Sidewalk figures

Sculpted figures by Gus Miller

Please come!

namaste, marya


Marya ceramic

Ceramic by Dan, painted by Marya

Show imagined, curated and hung by Marya Ursin