No Egg yet, but Active
Greetings, on this snowy February snow moon day, Full Moon in Leo! Beauty is around us, and within us. Beauty abounds – we must remember that, and bring kindness and peace and honor into the world. Marya did a Beastie show in Abington, Mass, to an enthusiastic K-5 audience. They were a delight, engaged, full […]
Play Reading of Dead Man’s Cell Phone
Our first living room informal play reading (with tea and such) will be on Saturday, July 20th, from 2-5. Dead Man’s Cell Phone by Sarah Ruhl A number of interested readers have responded they would like to be a part of the reading.This play has 7 characters, and the stage direction reader; here are the […]
Play Readings and Tea at the Hancox House
Hi! I am going to be hosting a series of “living room play reading with tea” afternoons at our home at 8 Hancox Street. If you are interested, do be in touch with me, Marya, at I hope that these may become monthly. We shall begin with a reading of Sara […]
Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Egg on August 5th
Soooo the theme for this summer’s Narrative Event will be A Midsummer Night’s Dream! by Shakespeare, with all its confusions and, theatre, puppets, song, hooping, mask, spoof, the palette is wide open. The date will be August 5th at 4 pm. This will be an indoor event, with activities outside as well. Do […]
Nicky Checker Project
From Nicky Checker: FORTHCOMING, PROMISING THEATRE PROJECT!This play adaptation was selected by the Dept. of Economic & Community Development, CT Office of the Arts, to be among grant recipients for a performance related project regarding cultural significance in our state. It is a solo-performer adaptation of a stage play I had written that premiered […]
Holiday Bazaar at the Egg on 12/3
The Dragon’s Egg will offer its annual Holiday Bazaar this year on Saturday, December 3rd, from 1-4. I am looking for artists, artisans, crafts, clothing, books, jewelry, decorations, foods, candles, all manner of offerings! Please do be in touch if you would like to participate this year, and please share this information as you like. […]
Family Holiday Frolicing!

We had a lovely and convivial time at the Egg with a small group of children and parents on the 23rd of December. We ran, played, went high on the swing, painted masks, made music, played games, did some gymnastics, chatted. Everyone went home with little bags of cookies or cakes. It was spacious, masked, […]
Hygienic Egg!

The Hygienic Egg is Sunday, March 10th, at 12:30, at the Hygienic Galleries. Artists associated with the Dragon’s Egg will come together to create a promenade performance event at the amazing Hygienic Galleries on Bank Street, in New London. The prompt is Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by TS Elliot, so, generally speaking, the […]
Hooping at the Egg

The Monday Night Spin Jam is a band of open-minded, non-judgemental individuals from every background and creed, who get together to practice flow-arts, and trick share.
Steven Meeker/Sarah Flaim and Co at the Egg!

Yay! Upcoming – at the Dragon’s Egg, from August 2-5, and 16-19. SMJ (Steven Meeker Jr.) – Book & Lyrics / Sarah Flaim – Music / Allison Acuff – Director The creative team of At the Barre will be coming to the Dragon’s Egg for eight days to develop brand-new songs, overhaul […]
Cultivating Creativity in Communities

Dance Workshop: Cultivating Creativity in Communities (CCC) Date: Wed. January 10th 2018 Time 5-7pm Cost: $20 Instructors: Linalynn Schmelzer and Marisa Valdiserra Student discount $15 (with college ID) All movers and dancers welcome ages 18+ both male and female Description: Cultivating Creativity in Communities workshop by River Valley Dance Project, a modern dance company, […]
Meta Meta at the Egg

I look forward to seeing you at the Metamorphoses Project next Saturday, June 25, at 4 pm, at the Egg. Come a bit early so that you catch the preshow roving by gods and goddesses, nymphs and beasts. And, for you preparation, you might want to listen to the Incredible String Band for this whimsical […]
January at the Egg!

Brrrr! It is upon us, the sharp clear chill of winter! But the Egg is warm, a well lit space in the woods, at the end of the field, taking in the changing light, the shadows through the trees. Classes in yoga, Acro Yoga, children’s dance, the Mystery School, dreaming circle, Dances of […]
Arco Yoga at the Egg
Acro Play Community Yoga Play with your fellow yogis in the active yoga workshop! Hone your body awareness, strengthen the core, and improve balance with partner yoga poses. Learn to go upside down with inversions like handstands and headstands. Fly your partner and be flown! All levels welcome, from beginner to advanced. Improve your practice, […]
Visual Literature
VISUAL LITERATURE PRESENTATION, SUNDAY, JUNE 1ST AT DRAGON’S EGG: Sunday, June 1st, 5 PM, Nightshade Productions to stage a Visual Literature presentation of Nicky Checker’s soon-to-be published paperback novels, DRUIDS and SCRATCH (Oak Tree Press, California). Presentation is at the Dragon’s Egg Studio in Ledyard and will entreat audiences to a hypnotic theatrical medium by dramatizing a chapter […]