The Metamorphoses – an Assemblage Event!
The Metamorphoses – an Assemblage Project Come to this year’s Narrative Project, an assemblage of riffs on Ovid’s Metamorphoses! The text is vast, moving from chaos to creation to metamorphic misdemeanors to violence and to the chaos of power. There will be dance and song, monologue, puppetry, and theatre. This is our […]
Sacred Sound Awakening
Sacred Sound Awakening Egg flyer.pdf Receive a powerful energy attunement through sound: * release tensions * amplify your intentions * align with your highest potential Wednesday, June 8, 7:30pm. $25 advance, $30 door Dragon’s Egg Studio 401 Shewville Rd., Ledyard, CT To register email Anne at: Akasha Anne Belliveau is a visionary sound intuitive […]
Art Bark at the Egg
Art Bark Showing! this Friday at 5 pm at the Dragon’s Egg!! I hope you can will be wonderful! (I shall still be in Israel) xo m ArtBark is thrilled to close out their third residency at the beloved Dragon’s Egg by gifting the community with a free showing of the fruits of their […]
Sacred Sound Awakening at the Egg!
Sacred Sound Awakening Bask in Effortless Harmony Within Yourself Receive a powerful energy attunement through sound: * release tensions * amplify your intentions * align with your highest potential Wednesday, June 8, 7:30pm. $25 advance, $30 door Dragon’s Egg Studio 401 Shewville Rd., Ledyard, CT To register email Anne at: Akasha Anne Belliveau is […]
Restorative Yoga
The first in the Dance Sampler Series this summer will be Restorative Yoga Workshop The Dragon’s Egg Wednesday, June 1st 5:30-6:45pm Pre registration is strongly encouraged. Cost $15. A luxurious, deeply relaxing, refreshing form of yoga which supports the whole body using props (pillows, blankets, blocks) to melt away physical, emotional & mental tension as […]
Belly Dancing at the Egg
Belly dance is known as the oldest form of dance . This ancient art form have origins in the Middle East, Northeastern Africa, and the Mediterranean . Some common traditional styles are Egyptian, Turkish, and Lebanese. It made its way to America where the American Cabaret and Tribal styles were born. Belly dance is […]
Earth Day! May Day!
Earth Day! May Day! with all that implies, will be at the Egg on May 1st, Sunday, from 2 – 5 pm. There will be vendors, poets, dances, nature walks, plus we shall welcome Dan Potter home from his winter time away in Hanoi, back to the chilly spring of Connecticut!! full of […]
Raving Jaynes will be in Residence!!
The Raving Jaynes will be working hard at the Dragon’s Egg to discover new worlds of improvisation. Please join us at 5:15 Thursday, March 24th, Friday, March 25th and/or Saturday, March 26th as we cap off each day of rehearsal with a 40 minute showing. Each night will be different so feel free to come […]
Turn! the sacred dance of the Whirling Dervishes
The Turn, the sacred dance of the Whirling Dervishes, is a moving meditation and an embodied prayer possessing the most ferocious power. Learning the Turn is a process of spiritual alchemy. It engages all planes of our being and has deep and lasting effects on our whole life. The Turn is a discipline of body, […]
January at the Egg!
Brrrr! It is upon us, the sharp clear chill of winter! But the Egg is warm, a well lit space in the woods, at the end of the field, taking in the changing light, the shadows through the trees. Classes in yoga, Acro Yoga, children’s dance, the Mystery School, dreaming circle, Dances of […]
Arco Yoga Play at the Egg!
Register for Yoga Acro Play Time Workshops at Dragon’s Egg in Ledyard CT New January 4 week series added $20 per drop in or $65 for the 4 weeks! 6-8 pm Thursdays January 7, 14, 21, 28 Register to hold your spot online! Space is limited- Play with your fellow yogis in the active […]
Dreaming a Dream of Rebirth
On Saturday the 12th of December we shall be Dreaming a Dream of Rebirth at The Dragons Egg in Ledyard, CT from 1:00 to 4:00. Please do join us as we journey into the dark and emerge in the Light. Renewed and released from that which held us back. This is one of the […]
Holiday Bazaar at the Egg!
Please hold the date, and join us! December 6th, Sunday, at the Dragon’s Egg, from 2 – 5 pm. This is an informal and delightful event at the egg, offering all manner of Things and Experience, Poetry, and, of course, great company! I am still seeking more vendors. There is simply a $10 fee for […]
Marya at Worcester Art Museum!
Marya will be doing her Solo performance version of SkyTails, using dance and mask, text and puppet, scroll story and song, to tell a series of Native American stories at the Worcester Art Museum, this Saturday, November 14th, at 11 am, at the Worcester Art Museum 55 Salisbury St, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 I hope to […]
Tellabration at the Egg!
This Sunday – at the Dragon’s Egg! The Connecticut Storytelling Center is hosting storytelling all over the state this month, and on Sunday, November 15, at 4 pm, we shall host one of the events in this celebration of storytelling – at the Dragon’s Egg! at 401 Shewville Road, Ledyard, Ct. Tellers will include Sara […]
The Passion Play of Don Quixote
Yes, it was amazing, this assemblage of reflections on Don Quixote. One performer, Ara Fitzgerald, characterized the event “a passion play for Don Quixote”. Here is the programme, for your interest, and a few photos. xox Quixotic Dream: the Don Quixote Project November 7th, 2015, the Twelfth Narrative Event at the Egg assembled yearly […]
Quixote Dreams of Rosinante
Saturday! November 7th at 4 pm – a one time only event! Come to the Quixotic Dream, riffs on the novel by Cervantes: Don Quixote. Suitable for all ages. xo m
Quixote Project!
Come find us at the Dragon’s Egg this Saturday November 7 at 4 p.m. celebrating Cervante’s great work with dance and costumes playlets and skits for all ages Please join us for the 12th annual Narrative Project at the Dragon’s Egg! Each year, I send out a prompt to actors and dancers, puppeteers and […]
Quixotic Dreams!!
The Quixotic Project will be at the Dragon’s Egg on November 7th (Saturday) at 4 pm = a one time only event, suitable for all ages. This is a series of riffs and reflections on Don Quixote, and will include local and distant dancers, actors, monologuists, puppeteers, hoopers. Please join us! Donations encouraged.See Don Q […]