Monthly Dream Circle at the Egg

This Saturday, August 6th, is the Dream Circle from 1 to 4:30. Come sit in a Circle of like minded Dreamers and lets Dream up a New World. For ourselves and each other. Please let me know if you plan to come, too., PS Here is some good info: When […]
Dreaming a Dream of Rebirth
On Saturday the 12th of December we shall be Dreaming a Dream of Rebirth at The Dragons Egg in Ledyard, CT from 1:00 to 4:00. Please do join us as we journey into the dark and emerge in the Light. Renewed and released from that which held us back. This is one of the […]
Dancing with the Bear
Dancing with the Bear The Bear is the great medicine animal of North America and in Native tradition, the most powerful healers are those called by the Bear in dreams and visions. In the Old World, for a thousand years, pilgrims journeyed to the temples of Asklepios to seek healing and guidance through dreams […]
A Day of Dreams
Saturday February 9, 2013 Cancelled due to SNOW!!! 3:00-7:30 PM Fee: $45 A DAY OF DREAMS! The Dragons Egg Come learn how to understand your Sleep Dreams so you can better navigate your Waking Dream (life). You will learn how to differentiate between everyday dreams and Big Dreams. Thru shamanic methods, Master Dreamworker Susan […]