Nicky Checker Project
From Nicky Checker: FORTHCOMING, PROMISING THEATRE PROJECT!This play adaptation was selected by the Dept. of Economic & Community Development, CT Office of the Arts, to be among grant recipients for a performance related project regarding cultural significance in our state. It is a solo-performer adaptation of a stage play I had written that premiered […]
Holiday Bazaar at the Egg on 12/3
The Dragon’s Egg will offer its annual Holiday Bazaar this year on Saturday, December 3rd, from 1-4. I am looking for artists, artisans, crafts, clothing, books, jewelry, decorations, foods, candles, all manner of offerings! Please do be in touch if you would like to participate this year, and please share this information as you like. […]
Tellabration at the Egg is Coming
The Dragon’s Egg PresentsTellabration! A Celebration of the Oral Tradition Tellabration is a mammoth storytelling event – and that’s no Tall Tale! It’s a storytelling phenomenon, made up of dozens of storytelling happenings all over the world. Its purpose is to introduce adults, as well as children, to the pleasures of the oral art […]
University Set the Egg and Amazes
Hi!!Dragon’s Egg Presents was Today, at University Settlement in NYC, and… It was indeed wonderful! A mix of dance and film and music and comedy, dramatic, serious, strong, graceful.I did not have a chance to take photos, alas, so have only a handful… All went smoothly, the audience was enthusiastic (and full house), old […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents – Program
Yay!!Here is the working programme! for Dragon’s Egg Presents, at University Settlement, in downtown NYC, at 184 Eldridge St.For reservations @ $15 please email Marya at mybeasts@aol.comYou may use paypal or send a cheque for pre paid reservations,or have cash at the ready (or a cheque) at the door. by cheque […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents – tickets available!
Tickets are now available for: Dragon’s Egg Presents!!! Which will be on September 24th, Saturday, at 2 pm. $15 each at University Settlement in downtown NYC, at 184 Eldridge St.(Subway directions are below – give yourself time to walk from the subway) Please make reservations by being in touch with Marya at Identify, […]
Celestials at the Egg!
Sunday, August 28th, at 1 pm, at the Dragon’s Egg! Do come!! Xo marya Hello Friends, Hope you are all doing well in this late summertime, with choruses of katydids and crickets and cicadas — truly sounds of the heavens, to me. Speaking of which: Celestials are incoming at the Dragon’s Egg this weekend! […]
Cornfield Dance at the Egg!
Greetings! This is a phenomenal opportunity and offering at the Dragon’s Egg! Do join us on August 23rd, a Tuesday, for an open rehearsal at 3:30, followed by a performance at 4 pm, of Ellen Cornfield Dance, from NYC. Ellen Cornfield, will be in residency at the Dragon’s Egg (401 Shewville Road, Ledyard) for […]
Kickstarter is fully funded!!
Hiroshima: Autumn flowers in front of full moon, 1853 Sent: Sun, Aug 14, 2022 10:29 amSubject: Kickstarter is fully funded!! with one day to go…Dragon’s Egg Presents – Yay! Yay! We are just past the Full Sturgeon Moon, and – We are fully funded! and a bit over, with our kickstarter, with one day […]
of body of body
Wednesday, August 10th, there was a remarkable showing by the company in residence. The entire work was viewed from above, and the dancers seemed to have shifted dimensions, as they danced full body on the floor, being tossed by seas, by sounds, moving like salamanders, walking (but prone or side ways), hearing shell […]
Marya will perform at MOAF
Marya will be performing for the Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival on August 12th! The performance portion of the festival will be on August 12 and 13 at Mystic Seaport, as it was last year (for the first time!). The renowned Mystic Arts Festival will be from the 12-14 on the streets of Mystic. I shall […]
Fabled Celebration Soared in the Heat
A lovely and playful exploration of fables, myths, and morals, by actors, dancers, puppeteer marionettistes, and hoopers! A Fabled Celebration of Tales (and of birthday Dan) You will hear tell of (possibly not in this order)“The Farmer and his Son bringing their Mule to Market!” From Nicky Checker“Hare and the Tortoise”. […]
Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival
August 12th and 13th!! and I shall be on the programme on the 12th, at Mystic Seaport, as a part of the Mystic Arts Festival!I hope you can come! xo Marya https://moafpa.com
Dragon’s Egg Presents Kickstarter!
There is a kickstarter afoot! Dragon’s Egg Presents! We are once again producing a concert in NYC showcasing Dragon’s Egg Residents, – all of whom have been at the Egg since Covid hit, since we closed, and cautiously re opened. This will be our second year at the extraordinary University Settlement in downtown NY. […]
Dan’s Solo Show opens on July 6th
Opening Wednesday, July 6from 5 – 7Mouse Americawelcomes you to the opening ofDan’s July Art ShowPeace from Piecesat the Hoxie Galleryin Westerly, RI from flotsam and jetsamDan has assembleda group of new friends for you to visit this month in the marvelous and enormousHoxie Galleryabove the Westerly Public Libraryin the center of townLibrary […]
Garden Club, Poets, and Beasts!!!

The Stonington Garden Club, Mystic Paper Beasts, Poets Collaboration Schedule The Garden Club event, Gardens by the Sea, runs from 10-4 on both Friday and Saturday, June 10 and 11. They are focussed on a number of gardens in the Boro, and have a satellite which is the Children’s Garden, in front of the Como. […]
Dance for Ukraine – Saturday training sessions at the Egg

#danceforukraine Flash Mob Dance Created to pause reality and reflect: The Ukraine war is ongoing and impacts the world. Dancers and Movement Artists are invited to participate the Flash Mob Dance for Ukraine happenings at outdoor gatherings. Participants are volunteer performers. All profits are donated to Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief organizations. Training Sessions: Learn the movement […]
Marya a part of the RAISE training

I am excited to have been selected to be a part of the RAISE education program, offered via Young Audiences. I am on the roster of Young Audiences Mass, but this is a national thing, and I had to apply, and am thrilled to be included. It focuses on SELs: Social and Emotional Learning.. It […]
Three Grants Awarded to the MPB/Dragon’sEgg!

Mystic Paper Beasts Theatre Company/ Dragon’s Egg 8 Hancox Street, Stonington, Ct. 06378 860 535 3346; FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Marya Ursin, Artistic Director, Mystic Paper Beasts/Dragon’s Egg Phone:860-535-3346; cell: 860 444 7247 (better) Email: The Mystic Paper Beasts/Dragon’s Egg Receives Three Grants!! In winter 2021/ 2022 With great gratitude ***CT Cultural Fund Operating […]
Poets of the Heart – Dragon’s Egg Presents

To honour Valentine’s Day, and our connections to one another through love, the Dragon’s Egg offered a zoom event on Sunday, February 13th, at 1 pm. The event lasted about an hour, and was full of color, variety, scandal, and love! Heh. The Poets were: 1. Dian Parker 2. Jane Johnson 3. Jean-Yves Solinga 4. […]
Family Holiday Frolicing!

We had a lovely and convivial time at the Egg with a small group of children and parents on the 23rd of December. We ran, played, went high on the swing, painted masks, made music, played games, did some gymnastics, chatted. Everyone went home with little bags of cookies or cakes. It was spacious, masked, […]
Egg Bazaar! And Theatrical Reading by Nicky

Holiday Bazaar! And – it is over! An afternoon of friendship, cartwheels, and amazing works of art and craft! December 4th, from 1 – 4:30, at the Dragon’s Egg Dramatic reading by Nick Checker, followed by a Holiday Bazaar. Come one, come all – all ages welcome. Holiday Bazaar! jewelry, books, clothing, soaps, ceramics, homemade […]
Egg Bazaar and Theatrical Reading!

UPCOMING THEATRICAL READING OF FANTASY NOVEL, and then, a Holiday Bazaar!! Saturday, December 4th 1:00 – 2:00 PM at the Dragon’s Egg Theatre & Dance Studio, 401 Shewville Rd, Ledyard, local author Nicholas Checker will perform theatrical readings from his fantasy adventure novel, DRUIDS, and from its prequel novelette, FREEBOOTERS. Generous, signed discount copies of […]