Windy Willows and 75 alive!

Hold the Date! August 15th at noon In front of the Dragon’s Egg at 401 Shewville, Ledyard The Windy Willows! And a celebration of 75 for Dan! This year’s Narrative Event will take a look at The Wind in the Willows, with the performers all placed out of doors, and you, our friends and guests, […]
Raving Jaynes open showing at the Egg on June 7th at 5 pm

Hi! Please join us at the Dragon’s Egg on June 7th for the beloved duo, the Raving Jaynes, comedic dancer/improvisers who will be in residence, at 5 pm. Audience members will need to be masked, and we are limiting the number to 20, so be on time! I look forward to seeing you at this, […]
Hygienic Earth Egg Links us at noon on Sunday

Here is the link for the Hygienic Earth Egg event Sunday, April 25, at noon. Marya Ursin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Hygienic Egg at Home Time: Apr 25, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 820 1822 2788 One tap mobile +13017158592,,82018222788# US […]
Valentine Poets and April Earth

The poetry reading yesterday was lovely, with voices varied about the joys, losses, insanities, fantasies, whimsy, impossibleness, of Love. (By Jim Long) Our next pubic zoom event with be what is usually our early March Hygienic Egg. This year, we are on zoom, and we have moved the date to late April, to include a […]
February for Love, March for the Poetry of Eco Well being

Our poetry event, Welcome to the New Year, was a fine success, on zoom. There are two dates upcoming for you to hold – I shall post more information as we go along, but, meanwhile: The Poetry of Love, on 2/14 at noon, via zoom. The Vision of Gary Snyder, this year’s Hygienic Egg, again […]
The Plague Project Programme

Programme for the Plague Project – a Zoom experience! August 15, 2020 A series of explorations and reflections upon Camus’ book, The Plague —with wide latitude for choice of inspiration! The actors, dancers, puppeteers, poets, and musicians give of their time and their generous talent freely. If you are able to give a donation to […]
Narrative Project: the Plague

The Plague Project August 15, at 4 pm, via live zoom An Assemblage performance project, open to all; donations are welcome. Performers will include Clare Byrne, Ara Fitzgerald, Cecelia Foxanesi, Melanie Greenhouse, Martha Moore, Claire Porter, Jason Rabin, Leslie Satin, Jessie Winograd and dancers. Perhaps more…. For the past 17 years, the Dragon’s Egg has […]
Narrative Project 2020: the Plague

Save the Date!! August 15 at 4 pm. Zoom! toddler and cat The annual Narrative Project at the Egg this summer will be a zoom event, on August 15th, at 4 pm. Lissa at the Young People’s Hygienic True, it will not have the wonderful environment and playful interactions we have at the […]
Mask at NTI Spring 2020

Another amazing journey into Mask and monologue and movement at NTI, with help from Kato McNickle and Doug Moffat. The students were inventive, generous, full of bright energy.
University Settlement Dragon’s Egg Presents

Lesley Farlow in Flight Patterns It was amazing and glorious, our concert at University Settlement, featuring performances by Egg residents selected from the past two years: Clare Byrne, Nick Leichter, Amy Larimer, Jamie Graham, Ara Fitzgerald, Brynne Billingsley, Amy Larson, Lesley Farlow, Jason Rabin, Claire Porter, Lindy Fines, Breckym Drescher, Rachel Gill, Chelsea Hecht. […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents December 7th

Dragon’s Egg Presents!! On December 7th at 1:30 University Settlement at 184 Eldridge in NYC Here are the closest subway stops: B/D to Grand Street F to 2nd Avenue 6 to Spring Street (though this is the furthest “closest” stop) xo marya Do come join us!! xo marya General Admission: $15 […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents

Dragon’s Egg Presents!! On December 7th at 1:30 University Settlement at 184 Eldridge in NYC Do come join us!! xo marya General Admission: $15 (online), $20 (in person on day of show, cash only) Student/Senior: $10 (online), $15 (in person on day of show, cash only) Special Online Only Discount: $8 (using code […]

Thank you so much for your support of the KickStarter project for the Dragon’s Egg Presents concert on December 7th, at 1:30 pm, at University Settlement, on Eldridge Street, NYC. Wow! I am hugely grateful to all of you! I hope to see you here, there, some place in time. I send love, in […]
Kickstarter has a Goal

(Marya as the Goat at the Hygienic) 58 backers! 58 hours to go! We are fully funded, and so thrilled and grateful to all of you!! I send love on this first day of Autumn, just after the equinox! (celebrating the light at the Egg) I especially thank the donors to this Kickstarter Project, Dragon’s […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents

Hi! The Dragon’s Egg (Marya Ursin is organizing and producing) is presenting 8 or 9 artists who have been in residence at the Egg in a concert at University Settlement on December 7th, at 1:30 pm. Here is the FaceBook link: Please come! xo namaste, marya
The Odyssey that Was

The Odyssey that Was A week has passed, and I think of the stories we told, all dangled from Homer’s tale of journey and adventure and impediment to progress and loyalty and blood and bondage of various sorts and transformation and magic and love. The players made such a rich time for all – for […]
Odyssey Project is Coming

We are costuming, excitedly getting ready to be characters and gods from the Odyssey! Come meet Circe and Agamemnon and Polyphemus and watch the storms and pigs at play in the changing times of Odysseus! Come to the Odyssey Project, this Saturday! June 22 at 4 pm at the Dragon’s Egg at 401 Shewville Road, […]
Odyssey Project

The Odyssey Project is This Saturday!! June 22 at 4 pm, at the Dragon’s Egg! The Odyssey – meet Circe and the Sirens and the Cyclops and the persevering Odysseus! Question Penelope. Go to the Council of the Gods. All of this, for you! and all of us – come be our audience for this […]
The Odyssey is Coming!

In one month!! on June 22, at 4 pm, at the Dragon’s Egg, will be the Odyssey Project. This is an assemblage performance project in which various artists do a five minute “riff” on the text by Homer. It will include dance, theatre, mask, puppet, monologue. This is a one time only event, and […]
NTI creates masks again!

The Spring 2019 National Theatre Institute students have exploded into the now with 26 new masks, monologues, movement pieces, collaborations, meetings of mind and spirit. They worked diligently, creating characters and worlds through their pieces this week. NTI, an intensive training program for college aged (and beyond) students of the theatre, takes place […]
Masks at NTI/NMTI

September 10th and 11th were the days for the fall 2018 NTI/NMTi mask intensive! This is their first workshop during their 14 week semester long program in theatre, music, movement, dance, writing, acting, production at the Eugene O’Neill Theatre in Waterford, Ct. Marya and Dan conducted the workshop, with the able assistance of Doug Moffat, […]
Jane Jane Yay Jane!

Yay! This year’s (15th! annual) Narrative Project, conceived and assembled by Marya Ursin, was a great success! It explored the story and themes of the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, with reflections in dance, theatre, monologue poetry music and with Beastie Bits tossed in to entice a story line through our minds. […]
Jane Eyre at the Dragon’s Egg

Summer Narrative Project! June 23, 4 pm, at the Dragon’s Egg. This summer will be our 15th annual narrative project – wow! We began with Dante, have cycled through Faust, Shakespeare, Ovid, and last year – Animal Farm! This year’s theme will be Jane Eyre. Woman writer, woman protagonist, good story arc, – enjoy the […]
The Hygienic Egg Breathed, and well.

It was a wonderful event today at the Hygienic Art Gallery. My heart was wide, and my eyes full of tears and laughter, by turn, in the presence of the performers’ many ways of entering this, the Poetry of Death. I thank them for their poetry, honesty, generosity, their ways of being, here, and now, in […]