February for Love, March for the Poetry of Eco Well being

Davidbrown creek

Our poetry event, Welcome to the New Year, was a fine success, on zoom. There are two dates upcoming for you to hold – I shall post more information as we go along, but, meanwhile:

The Poetry of Love, on 2/14 at noon, via zoom.
The Vision of Gary Snyder, this year’s Hygienic Egg, again on zoom, on 3/7 at noon.

Feb. 14, at noon,
the poetry of Love
I have, so far, as readers:

Dan Potter
Alice Pero
Christie W
Milt A
Sandy Laub
Melanie G.
Hetty Startup

And on March 7th, at noon, the Hygienic Egg, with a focus on the writings of Gary Snyder, performance in any medium: word, dance, song, puppet.


I have on my list as performers, so far:

Melanie G
Sandy L
Jason R.
Lesley Farlow

I hope you will be able to join us, and, if you are a poet, performer, musician, and would like to be a part of one of these events, please do be in touch with me!

Zoom codes to follow before each event.

Stupa12 2020

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