Posts Tagged ‘actors’

Just to keep you Updated

  Just to keep you updated: Work is proceeding apace. Because the insulation was smoke infused, it is being removed, which is a labour intensive process. My understanding is that, once mitigation is completed, the builder engaged by ServiceMaster will engage in all permits, zoning conversations, et al, and re building will begin likely in […]

The swing survives, and on we go

  The work proceeds. You can see that the swing survives! The second one is also there. And the shower with the bas reliefs looks pretty much intact. There is a meeting with the (re) builder this week, as the work of mitigation comes to a close…We are busily building masks, ourselves, for Marya’s upcoming […]

Fire at the Beast Barn and Dragon’s Egg

The Beast Barn is cinders. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that all classes, events, residencies, at the Egg will need to be postponed for the next few weeks, maybe months.   There was a strong fire Sunday, March 24th, afternoon. The Beast Barn is gone, utterly, and Dan’s car a husk.  The side […]

Team Awesome Robots becomes 1d at the Egg!

  In residence at the Egg, yay!!!   Including a return of three NTI alum, sweet things… and a company of excited and exciting performers and writers.    1D is a new play development group from New York City, led by Chris Diercksen. Wholly focused on the development and advocacy of new plays, 1D shepherds […]

February for Love, March for the Poetry of Eco Well being

Our poetry event, Welcome to the New Year, was a fine success, on zoom. There are two dates upcoming for you to hold – I shall post more information as we go along, but, meanwhile: The Poetry of Love, on 2/14 at noon, via zoom. The Vision of Gary Snyder, this year’s Hygienic Egg, again […]

Marya Zoom Yoga Yes! will continue throughout the spring.

Hi! I thought I would give you all the codes for the yoga classes we are currently having on zoom, so that you can keep them, though I shall continue to send reminders… These are for the zoom yoga classes on Mondays and Thursdays at 9 am, Tuesdays at 5 pm, and Saturdays at 10:30 […]

The Egg is Partially Open

The Egg is partially re opened! We are having residencies, though there are limitations regarding the numbers of people allowed, and we have various health forms re covid and such in place for residents to attend to. There are a couple of classes happening – please check with the presenters, as well as rehearsals by […]

Narrative Project 2020: the Plague

Save the Date!!   August 15 at 4 pm.  Zoom! toddler and cat The annual Narrative Project at the Egg this summer will be a zoom event, on August 15th, at 4 pm.   Lissa at the Young People’s Hygienic True, it will not have the wonderful environment and playful interactions we have at the […]

Life Drawing Benefit for the Egg

I am proud to be hosting a unique fundraising event for Marya Ursin and the Dragon’s Egg. I have visited the Egg several times and it is a treasured creative sanctuary for so many artists.  It’s time to give back, while enjoing each others’ company and celebrating life, with a figure drawing event in Harlem, […]

Dan’s Kickstarter Update

We are 76% there, and counting! Only 11 days to go! Please do share this project, and help us to be fully funded so that we can re build a studio for Dan. Thank you so much, all of you, for your support and generosity and interest. And thank you to the most recent donors: […]

Bread and Puppet

Dan took a lot of pictures of Bread and Puppet visiting Dragon’s Egg last weekand also made a little film of the extraordinary experience which you can find on his YouTube site at this address: After their brass band greeted arrivals they gave a little street performance about greed in politics, 911 and Maggie Thatcher’s phrase There Is No Alternative  TINA […]

Raving Jaynes at the Egg!

The Raving Jaynes are excited to return to Egg for a weekend of improvisational explorations! We’ll be ending our rehearsal period each evening with a short performance. Since it’s improvised, each night will be different! Come for one or come for all three! On Saturday we will be joined by viola player Richard Kim! We’d […]

Awaiting You

Awaiting you – at the Egg!

A Journey through the Stars

March’s hairy hare hops hauntingly close – Rabbit!  It is here! And March 8th, Sunday, at 12:00, is the time for the A Journey through the Stars and Planets, an astrological view, performed by Dragon’s Egg artists and friends, and held at the Hygienic Galleries on Bank Street in New London. This will be a […]

Snowy Days and Full Moons

The snows bring explorations into the world of Pan, Wonderland!   Full Stop Collective, this time under Elizabeth Seldin’s dream, spent a long and productive musical weekend at the Egg exploring Peter’s world of memory and wonder.  On their heels came the sacred singing bowls of Anne Belliveau, who sonically ushered in new resident, dancer/choreographer/professor […]