Fire at the Beast Barn and Dragon’s Egg

Barn 1

The Beast Barn is cinders.

 I just wanted to let you know that all classes, events, residencies, at the Egg will need to be postponed for the next few weeks, maybe months.
Dragon s egg 1

There was a strong fire Sunday, March 24th, afternoon. The Beast Barn is gone, utterly, and Dan’s car a husk.
 The side and front of the Egg suffered quite a bit of damage, but it is reparable. The interior is a mess, and most everything will need to be trashed.  Walls and floors will need to be replaced.  

The Egg, thus, cannot be used for now, for the next however long.


Dragon s egg interior 2

We have had to board it up to prevent further weather and critter damage.  The place is generally off limits, and has yellow tape at the end of the driveway.

Dragon s egg interior 1

 It will take time, one step at a time.
 As the Chinese proverb says: “My barn burned down. Now I can see the moon.”
 Well, it is no longer a metaphor!


Boddhisattva avalokiteshwara in water moon form 11th c China Met
No one was hurt, and the damages will hopefully be recouped.
 Breathing in peace…
I send love, marya

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