Hygienic Egg!

Come join us this Sunday for the Hygienic Egg, a performance that moves through all the galleries of the Hygienic Arts in New London, Ct. The performers come from far and near, and all are associated with the Dragon’s Egg. Here is our programme! I hope to see you there! March 18 at 12:30. xox […]
Animal Farm is Coming

Come come to Animal Farm! This Saturday, June 24, at 4 pm – a one time only event! Donations welcome All ages. At the Dragon’s Egg. Park in the far field, and come along the designated path to meet Major and Squealer and Snowball and Napoleon and Boxer and Mollie and Benjamin and Muriel and […]
Animal Farm at the Egg

Animal Farm! June 24th at 4 pm at the Dragon’s Egg Studio, a one time only event! there will be dance and theatre, monologue and song, beasts and commentary! Come one, come all! It will be a lark! or a pigsty! This show is for all ages, by donation, or free. The show should […]
That Was the Hygienic Egg

The Hygienic Egg was a remarkable look at the poetry of Adrienne Rich on the part of dancers, hoopers, poets, monologuists, singers! The event moved from the entrance area, where, after Marya greeted everyone, She read a portion of the forward to the collected poems of Adrienne Rich- up to 1974, a sort of […]
Hygienic Egg

Come to the Hygienic Egg!! on March 12th, at 12:30 pm, at the Hygienic Galleries in New London. A group of performers associated with the Dragon’s Egg will be responding to the work of the poet, Adrienne Rich, in this promenade performance work. Among those artists participating will be Cristin Cawley […]
Hygienic Egg 2017

March 12th, 12:30 pm, at the Hygienic Galleries in New London, Ct. The Hygienic Egg, an assemblage project which takes place at the Hygienic Galleries in New London, under the auspices of, and with performers from, the Dragon’s Egg circle of performers and friends, will take place on March 12th. Performance at 12:30. The performance […]
Chris Davis in Residence at the Egg
Chris Davis was in residency at the Egg earlier in January (when the website was down), so here is a bit more about the project! Crime & Punishment (working title) An exploration of the famous book by Leo Tolstoy written from the perspective of Katerina Ivanova. Katerina is the wife of an alcoholic […]
Dragon’s Egg at Triskelion

Dragon’s Egg Presents featured performances by past Artists in Residence at the Egg, and this year’s program presented dance, theatre, music, film, monologue! Here are photos from work by Ceci Fontanesi, Marly Schneider, Shelley Fort, Jason Rabin, and a fllm shot from Kristin Hatleberg’s film. To apply for a residency, check the website for […]
Dragon’s Egg at Triskelion Arts!!

Dragon’s Egg Presents featured performances by past Artists in Residence at the Egg, and this year’s program was sublime! Here are photos of Meldoy, Ara, Trina. Look for more performances locally and out and about by the Dragon’s Egg and its wonderful artists who come for a stay. Blessings on all! xox
Dragon’s Egg Presents at Triskelion has happened!

Dragon’s Egg Presents, at Triskelion Arts, was this afternoon. What a wonderful programme, truly remarkable and varied, beautifully performed, smoothly presented with lights and care taken by Andy and Sabrina, in a great space. Brilliant wit and grace abounded! Fortunate were those who were there, in the audience, to enjoy. xo namaste, blessings, marya
Dragon’s Egg Presents

Triskelion Arts, 106 Calyer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222 Every year, the Dragon’s Egg presents a few of the dancers/actors/musicians who have been in residence at the Egg during the past couple of years. We host around 40 residencies a year, and this year, we shall present 8 artists on September 24th at 2 pm, […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents: Melody Ruffin Ward

Every fall, Marya produces a concert in NYC that showcases a number of the artists who have been in residence at the Egg in the past year or so. The concert this year will be on September 24th at 2 pm at Triskelion Arts. Reservations are via Marya at her email: mybeasts@aol.com, and tickets are […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents at Triskelion: Jason Rabin

Every year, the Dragon’s Egg presents a few of the dancers/actors/musicians who have been in residence at the Egg during the past couple of years. We normally host around 40 residencies a year, but we present from 8 – 12 artists in the fall, in NYC. The concert this year will be held […]
Dragon’s Egg at Triskelion: Trina Mannino

Every year, the Dragon’s Egg presents a few of the dancers/actors/musicians who have been in residence at the Egg during the past couple of years. We normally host around 40 residencies a year, but we present from 8 – 12 artists in the fall, in NYC. The concert this year will be held at […]
Dragon’s Egg at Triskelion

Every year, the Dragon’s Egg presents a few of the dancers/actors/musicians who have been in residence at the Egg during the past couple of years. We normally host around 40 residencies a year, but we present from 8 – 12 artists in the fall, in NYC. The concert this year will be held at […]
Meta Meta at the Egg

I look forward to seeing you at the Metamorphoses Project next Saturday, June 25, at 4 pm, at the Egg. Come a bit early so that you catch the preshow roving by gods and goddesses, nymphs and beasts. And, for you preparation, you might want to listen to the Incredible String Band for this whimsical […]
The Metamorphoses – an Assemblage Event!

The Metamorphoses – an Assemblage Project Come to this year’s Narrative Project, an assemblage of riffs on Ovid’s Metamorphoses! The text is vast, moving from chaos to creation to metamorphic misdemeanors to violence and to the chaos of power. There will be dance and song, monologue, puppetry, and theatre. This is our […]
The Passion Play of Don Quixote

Yes, it was amazing, this assemblage of reflections on Don Quixote. One performer, Ara Fitzgerald, characterized the event “a passion play for Don Quixote”. Here is the programme, for your interest, and a few photos. xox Quixotic Dream: the Don Quixote Project November 7th, 2015, the Twelfth Narrative Event at the Egg assembled yearly […]
Quixote Project!

Come find us at the Dragon’s Egg this Saturday November 7 at 4 p.m. celebrating Cervante’s great work with dance and costumes playlets and skits for all ages Please join us for the 12th annual Narrative Project at the Dragon’s Egg! Each year, I send out a prompt to actors and dancers, puppeteers and […]
Quixotic Dreams!!

The Quixotic Project will be at the Dragon’s Egg on November 7th (Saturday) at 4 pm = a one time only event, suitable for all ages. This is a series of riffs and reflections on Don Quixote, and will include local and distant dancers, actors, monologuists, puppeteers, hoopers. Please join us! Donations encouraged.See Don Q […]
More Masks!

NTI/NMTI Fall 2015 have arrived and are bounding with energy! and the world now has 34 new masks! We Beasts (Marya, Dan, Doug) taught a mask workshop on Monday and Tuesday, and whoosh, here you are! They built their masks, wrote their monologues, collaborated with a performance partner, and performed movement pieces to their […]
Winter births Masks at the O’Neill

NTI/NMTI Spring (?! hah!) 2015 make masks, write tales, and move through new adventures! Yay – it was magical fun! xo m
Dragon’s Egg Presents!

Dragon’s Egg Presents! at Triskelion, in Brooklyn, NYC, on September 27th at 2 pm. This will be a concert of dances, theatre pieces, music, monologue, all created by artists who have been in residence in the past year at the Dragon’s Egg. Tickets are a mere $15 – do come join us! Call […]
Peter Pan at the Egg: the Pan Project!

Pan! The Peter Pan Project!! is coming up – so hold the date on June 21st, at 4 pm at the Dragon’s Egg, 401 Shewville Road, Ledyard for information: contact me (marya) at mybeasts@aol.com This is a one time only adventure! Peter Pan is our beginning point, with performers offering riffs on the […]