Tellabration! Saturday, November 9, at 3 pm
Tellabration! Yay!!! Saturday, 11/9 at 3 pm8 Hancox Street, Stonington To honor storytelling, the Ct. Storytelling Center hosts storytelling events throughout the state during the month of November.The Dragon’s Egg has consistently been a part of this event.This year, we shall have a Living Room Tellabration!!! With a number of tellers, onSaturday, 11/9, at […]
Tellabration! 11/9 at 3 pm To honor storytelling, the Ct. Storytelling Center hosts storytelling events throughout the state during the month of November. The Dragon’s Egg has consistently been a part of this event. This year, we shall have a Living Room Tellabration!!! With a number of tellers, on Saturday, 11/9, at 3 pmAt our […]
Tellabration is coming!
As usual, we plan to host Tellabration 2024, but we have no Dragon’s Egg this year. I am thinking of alternative ways to honour and celebrate storytelling during November: These would be in our Living Room in Stonington, so it would be informal, and would be a bit more like a small gathering/party for friends.I would […]
Tellabration!! At the egg on November 19th at 4 pm
Tellabration!! The annual state wide celebration of storytelling! The Dragon’s Egg will be the site for storytelling, as a part of this statewide event, on November 19th, at 4 pm. I have, as the official tellers, from the Ct. Storytelling Center, Stephen Long John Melmed I also have local tellers Serena JudgeEric Larsenand, if […]
Beasts in Bridgeport!
Marya will be performing the solo show of Sky Tailsat 2 pm, on July 15th,at the lovely Black Rock Library on Fairfield Avenue in Bridgeport, Ct. Black Rock Library2705 Fairfield Ave.Bridgeport, CT 06605 Do come join me!It will be great funxo marya
Year end Membership Letter for the Beasts and Egg
On a balmy (!) November day, we look back at the year for the Mystic Paper Beasts, and at the Dragon’s Egg. Marya applied for four grants and we were very fortunate to receive: We received two General Operating Support Grant \for Theaters and Performing Groups, from Ct. Humanities and from the Dept of […]
Tellabration! on November 20th at 4 at the Egg
Tellabration is in One Week!! on Sunday, November 20th, at 4 pm, at the Egg.Hold the Date!! The Dragon’s Egg Presents Tellabration! A Celebration of the Oral Tradition Tellabration is a mammoth storytelling event – and that’s no Tall Tale! It’s a storytelling phenomenon, made up of dozens of storytelling happenings all over the […]
Tellabration at the Egg is Nov. 20th at 4
Please come, and bring your friends of all ages! The Dragon’s Egg Presents Tellabration! A Celebration of the Oral Tradition The Dragon’s Egg (Shewville Rd., Ledyard) will host a Tellabration for families on Sunday, November 20th at 4:00 p.m. Several storytellers will grace this beautiful space. Each storyteller has a unique style and […]
Tellabration at the Egg is Coming
The Dragon’s Egg PresentsTellabration! A Celebration of the Oral Tradition Tellabration is a mammoth storytelling event – and that’s no Tall Tale! It’s a storytelling phenomenon, made up of dozens of storytelling happenings all over the world. Its purpose is to introduce adults, as well as children, to the pleasures of the oral art […]
Marya will perform at MOAF
Marya will be performing for the Mystic Outdoor Arts Festival on August 12th! The performance portion of the festival will be on August 12 and 13 at Mystic Seaport, as it was last year (for the first time!). The renowned Mystic Arts Festival will be from the 12-14 on the streets of Mystic. I shall […]
Fabled Celebration Soared in the Heat
A lovely and playful exploration of fables, myths, and morals, by actors, dancers, puppeteer marionettistes, and hoopers! A Fabled Celebration of Tales (and of birthday Dan) You will hear tell of (possibly not in this order)“The Farmer and his Son bringing their Mule to Market!” From Nicky Checker“Hare and the Tortoise”. […]
Fables Afoot!
Come join us Sunday! August 7th, at 1 pm,At the Dragon’s Egg,401 Shewville Road, Ledyard For the Fables Project!A visiting of a handful of fables by Aesop and others, To be followed by croquet, bacci,perhaps a picnic (bring your own), all followed by Birthday Cake for Dan Potter!Contact Marya at for more […]
May Day! May Day!! Dragon’s Egg Presents

May Day! May Day!! For the Earth, a zoom event: Dragon’s Egg Presents May 1st at 1 pm. Our May Day project will focus on the language of the Earth, the language of the trees, the under and the overstory, the call for reversing the direction the many societies of the world have been taking for […]
Tellabration!! This is the Programme

Tellabration!!! Nov. 14, 2021, Sunday, at 4 pm, in person, at the Dragon’s Egg. Suitable for all ages! (You will remember that last year, we were on zoom!) The Egg is participating, as it has for many years, in the statewide event of Tellabration, which is organized by the Ct. Storytelling Center, which now has […]
Tellabration at the Egg on Sunday, November 14th at 4

Tellabration!!! Nov. 14, Sunday, at 4 pm, in person, at the Egg. The Mystic Paper Beasts and the Dragon’s Egg have, for years, decades? participated in the annual, state wide, November celebration of story telling. The Ct Storytelling Center is providing us with an experienced teller, Steve Long, and I then expand it to include […]
Headless and Heedless but Heartful

marya as arachne I Thank the Performers for their wonderful flights of fancy, spooky inventions and memories, films and music, tales and poems, spinnings and beings!! They were wonderful! It was a nicely glitchy time, -those naughty ghosts, no doubt! – glad for the opportunity for humility and patience, in our ever shifting changing creative […]
Headless Hallowe’en

Hi! We are having a zoom celebration of Hallowe’en – on Sunday, Oct. 31, at high noon! suitable for all. I started with the Headless Horseman as a prompt, but it has expanded toward the mysterious or spooky of this time of crossing or playing in the veil of time between death and life. Performers […]
Headless and Hallowe’en – what have they in common?

Sita on the roof Hi! Come! Possibly spooky, possibly amusing, possibly informative, certainly entertaining! Join us for a zoom Hallowe’en event on, gasp, indeed, Hallowe’en day, at midday – not midnight – to hear tales of dread and wonder, to nibble at the soul cakes of these offerings – all via zoom.. Here is the […]
Programme for Tellabration
The Programme Tellabration is an annual celebration of Storytelling throughout the state during the month of November organized by the Connecticut Storytelling Center ( The Dragon’s Egg ( has happily been a part of this event for many years. Marya Ursin, executive director of the Dragon’s Egg, is the producer today, and will be introducing […]
Tellabration is Sunday, November 15, at 4 pm, via zoom

Tellabration is Sunday!!! I hope you can join us! Marya Ursin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Tellabration! Time: Nov 15, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) You may donate via PayPal: Or by cheque to the Mystic Paper Beasts. 8 Hancox Street, Stonington, Connecticut 06378 Join Zoom […]

Programme Dragon’s Egg Presents: Tellabration 2020 – Zooming Along! November 15th, at 4 pm. Scroll down for the zoom link. Tellabration is an annual celebration of Storytelling throughout the state during the month of November organized by the Connecticut Storytelling Center ( The Dragon’s Egg ( has happily been a part of this event for […]
Tella Tella Tellabration!

Dragon’s Egg Presents Tellabration! A Celebration of the Oral Tradition Tellabration is a mammoth storytelling event – and that’s no Tall Tale! It’s a storytelling phenomenon, made up of dozens of storytelling happenings all over the world. Its purpose is to introduce adults, as well as children, to the pleasures of the oral art of […]
Join the Dragon’s Egg/MPB as a Member!!

Mystic Paper Beasts Theatre Company 8 Hancox Street, Stonington, Connecticut 06378 860 535 3346;; Board of Directors: Mystic Paper Beasts David Jaffe, president David Dorfman Producer: Dan Potter Kato McNickle, vice president Ara Fitzgerald Artistic Director: Marya Marya Ursin, secretary Jeremy Pickard Daniel Potter, treasurer Shannon Sexton Potter Dragon’s Egg Jessica Cerullo […]
Beastie Workshops

The Mystic Paper Beasts have been romping with second and third graders of late. Marya has gone into several schools, teaching workshops of mask, movement, and storytelling, using the Beasts’ masks, with great glee for all.