Tellabration! Saturday, November 9, at 3 pm
Tellabration! Yay!!! Saturday, 11/9 at 3 pm8 Hancox Street, Stonington To honor storytelling, the Ct. Storytelling Center hosts storytelling events throughout the state during the month of November.The Dragon’s Egg has consistently been a part of this event.This year, we shall have a Living Room Tellabration!!! With a number of tellers, onSaturday, 11/9, at […]

Programme Dragon’s Egg Presents: Tellabration 2020 – Zooming Along! November 15th, at 4 pm. Scroll down for the zoom link. Tellabration is an annual celebration of Storytelling throughout the state during the month of November organized by the Connecticut Storytelling Center ( The Dragon’s Egg ( has happily been a part of this event for […]