The Hygienic Egg!
The Hygienic Egg!March 9th, 2025, at 12:30 pmThe Mystic Paper Beasts/Dragon’s Egg is back, with the “Hygienic Egg”, a promenade performance through the Galleries of the Hygienic at 78 Bank Street, in New London, Ct. You may remember: this is an event in which it is the Audience that moves. In each of the […]
Hygienic Earth Egg is on Sunday, April 25

(Oslo forest by Oyvind Kavag) Programme for the Hygienic Earth Egg- a Zoom experience! April 25, 2021 The actors, dancers, puppeteers, poets, and musicians give of their time and their generous talent freely. If you are able to give a donation to the Dragon’s Egg to help us support this work, you may use pay […]
February for Love, March for the Poetry of Eco Well being

Our poetry event, Welcome to the New Year, was a fine success, on zoom. There are two dates upcoming for you to hold – I shall post more information as we go along, but, meanwhile: The Poetry of Love, on 2/14 at noon, via zoom. The Vision of Gary Snyder, this year’s Hygienic Egg, again […]
The Quiet of the Dragon’s Egg

In these precarious times, It is spring time at the Egg! The field is flourishing, the daffodils have blossomed and gone, the grass is growing, the windows are bright, the floor is gleaming. The space awaits you – but, not yet! We hope to be re opening, with caution, in mid July, depending on local […]
The Dragon’s Egg Remains Closed

We have decided that the Egg will remain closed until May 26th. I am so sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment this may occasion for people. All classes and residencies will not meet until more is clear to all of us. Do take care of yourselves, stay home, be safe, walk in beauty. The Dragon’s […]
Hygienic Egg

Set your clocks forward and come! to the Hygienic Galleries, in New London, Ct, On this Sunday, March 8th, at 12:30 pm, to see dance, theatre, hooping, puppets, all in response to the poetry of Emily Dickinson! This is a one time only performance, and should last about an hour or so. March 8th at […]
The Odyssey that Was

The Odyssey that Was A week has passed, and I think of the stories we told, all dangled from Homer’s tale of journey and adventure and impediment to progress and loyalty and blood and bondage of various sorts and transformation and magic and love. The players made such a rich time for all – for […]
Odyssey Project is Coming

We are costuming, excitedly getting ready to be characters and gods from the Odyssey! Come meet Circe and Agamemnon and Polyphemus and watch the storms and pigs at play in the changing times of Odysseus! Come to the Odyssey Project, this Saturday! June 22 at 4 pm at the Dragon’s Egg at 401 Shewville Road, […]
Odyssey Project

The Odyssey Project is This Saturday!! June 22 at 4 pm, at the Dragon’s Egg! The Odyssey – meet Circe and the Sirens and the Cyclops and the persevering Odysseus! Question Penelope. Go to the Council of the Gods. All of this, for you! and all of us – come be our audience for this […]
Hygienic Egg!

The Hygienic Egg is Sunday, March 10th, at 12:30, at the Hygienic Galleries. Artists associated with the Dragon’s Egg will come together to create a promenade performance event at the amazing Hygienic Galleries on Bank Street, in New London. The prompt is Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by TS Elliot, so, generally speaking, the […]
Hygienic Egg

The Hygienic Egg is Sunday, March 10th, at 12:30, at the Hygienic Galleries. Artists associated with the Dragon’s Egg will come together to create a promenade performance event at the amazing Hygienic Galleries on Bank Street, in New London. The prompt is Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by TS Elliot, so, generally speaking, the […]
Hooping at the Egg

The Monday Night Spin Jam is a band of open-minded, non-judgemental individuals from every background and creed, who get together to practice flow-arts, and trick share.
The Hygienic Egg Breathed, and well.

It was a wonderful event today at the Hygienic Art Gallery. My heart was wide, and my eyes full of tears and laughter, by turn, in the presence of the performers’ many ways of entering this, the Poetry of Death. I thank them for their poetry, honesty, generosity, their ways of being, here, and now, in […]
The Hygienic Egg!

Sunday, March 18, at the Hygienic Galleries in New London – yay!! Our annual promenade performance, by a number of artists who have been in residence at the Dragon’s Egg, – at the Hygienic Galleries in New London – is coming up!There will be music, dance, puppetry, theatre, hooping, poetry, with the audience moving through […]
Hooping is a Closed Circle

The Hooping Collective continues to meet on Mondays at 6:30, and is now a closed circle, as they find this supports their explorations. There will be public hooping events, tba, in the future, so watch for posts! and be well! spinning in this gorgeous world of ours.
CANCELLED! Holiday Sale is on December 3rd

CANCELLED alas, due to various illnesses and such like. We shall have a bazaar Next Year, instead!! Be well, and enjoy your days! namaste, marya We have a Holiday Sale every year at the Dragon’s Egg, and this year’s will be on Sunday, December 3rd, from 1 – 4 pm. Please come and join us! […]
Fall Classes at the Egg

Fall is upon us, and we rise up with yoga, dance, hooping, acro yoga, belly dancing, dances of peace, workshops and residencies galore. Check the online calendar for details. Yay, fall!
Earth Day! Sunday, May 21, 1-4 pm

This Sunday!! Come to the Dragon’s Egg celebration of the Earth on May 21, from 1 – 4. There will be vendors and games and psychics and music and dancing and hooping and a nature walk and – you! Community in celebration! I look forward to seeing you here. xo
Earth Day is Every Day – Come to the Egg on May 21

We shall celebrate Earth Day at the Dragon’s Egg on Sunday, May 21st, from 1 – 4. There will be vendors, psychics, hooping, games, nature walk, community! And M and M’s, of course. Please join us! namaste, and may you walk in peace.
That Was the Hygienic Egg

The Hygienic Egg was a remarkable look at the poetry of Adrienne Rich on the part of dancers, hoopers, poets, monologuists, singers! The event moved from the entrance area, where, after Marya greeted everyone, She read a portion of the forward to the collected poems of Adrienne Rich- up to 1974, a sort of […]
Hygienic Egg

Come to the Hygienic Egg!! on March 12th, at 12:30 pm, at the Hygienic Galleries in New London. A group of performers associated with the Dragon’s Egg will be responding to the work of the poet, Adrienne Rich, in this promenade performance work. Among those artists participating will be Cristin Cawley […]
Egg Holiday Bazaar is December 11th

Holiday Bazaar at the Dragon’s Egg Sunday, December 11th, 2016, from 1 – 4 pm! 401 Shewville Road, Ledyard (directions on the website: There will be crafts, jewelry, soaps, ceramics, books, clothing, fabric, singers, tarot reader, chair massage, poets, dancers – and, hopefully – You!! Please do join us. If you […]
Summer Dance Sampler!

Summer Dance Sampler Pre registration for each class singly please! Cheque to Mystic Paper Beasts with the particular class in the subject line. That will be how we know if a class is a “go” or not.. NB Zumba ($12) and Kundalini Meditation ($5 donation) are both one hour classes. Summer […]