Greetings, on this snowy February snow moon day, Full Moon in Leo!
Beauty is around us, and within us. Beauty abounds – we must remember that, and bring kindness and peace and honor into the world.
Marya did a Beastie show in Abington, Mass, to an enthusiastic K-5 audience. They were a delight, engaged, full of excitement, questions, wonder. We all had a great time!
Next up will be the Hygienic Egg – yes, for the first time since Covid! March 9th at 12:30 pm! Come one, come all! This is a promenade performance through the galleries of the Hygienic art Gallery, in New London. It is the audience that moves: the performers are in each of the spaces, and we have dancers, musicians, puppeteers, hoopers in the mix, celebrating, or looking critically or comically at – Pygmalion.
Two weeks later will be the next in the Living Room Playreading series – held at home chez the Beasts. We shall be reading The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde on March 22, from 2-5. If you would like to come, to read, to listen, please be in touch with Marya at
Then, we have a zoom Earthday event in April. Earthday is on a Tuesday, and I am not able to do that, so this will likely be on the 21st or the 23rd at 5 pm, and will include poetry, narrative work, dance, music, painting, whatever the participants would like to offer. Please come – geography will not be a barrier!
The Egg – ah, delays. Initial mitigation was rapid, then some specialty acts caused delays. No rebuilding has commenced. Other agitated moments have now led to Marya becoming the general contractor, as of January.. She awaits bids from recommended builders, who then will be the real general contractors, but with active participation from Marya, and from Dan, once he returns from Hanoi. Yup, Dan is Happy in Hanoi, and I expect some sort of song to emerge from that phrase!
We wish you well.
Namaste, Marya