
Dragon’s Egg Re Opening Plans

Greetings! I hope you are faring well in this glorious season of sun and thunderstorms, that you are sheltering in place as much as you can, and taking care of yourselves and of others by wearing masks and practicing social distancing. The Egg has been closed to all activity since early March, and is beginning […]

Summer Dance Sampler

Summer Dance Sampler offered on Zoom by the Dragon’s Egg! Hi, Every summer, we have been offering a “Dance Sampler” in which there is a different style of class each week. This year I have put it on the zoom platform, and I hope you will be able to join us for some, or all, […]

Summer Dance Sampler

Summer Dance Sampler offered on Zoom by the Dragon’s Egg! Hi, Every summer, we have been offering a “Dance Sampler” in which there is a different style of class each week.   This year I have put it on the zoom platform, and I hope you will be able to join us for some, or all, […]

Narrative Project 2020: the Plague

Save the Date!!   August 15 at 4 pm.  Zoom! toddler and cat The annual Narrative Project at the Egg this summer will be a zoom event, on August 15th, at 4 pm.   Lissa at the Young People’s Hygienic True, it will not have the wonderful environment and playful interactions we have at the […]

The Quiet of the Dragon’s Egg

In these precarious times, It is spring time at the Egg!  The field is flourishing, the daffodils have blossomed and gone, the grass is growing, the windows are bright, the floor is gleaming.   The space awaits you – but, not yet!  We hope to be re opening, with caution, in mid July, depending on local […]

The Dragon’s Egg Remains Closed

We have decided that the Egg will remain closed until May 26th. I am so sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment this may occasion for people. All classes and residencies will not meet until more is clear to all of us. Do take care of yourselves, stay home, be safe, walk in beauty.  The Dragon’s […]

Hygienic Egg

Set your clocks forward and come!  to the Hygienic Galleries, in New London, Ct, On this Sunday, March 8th, at 12:30 pm, to see dance, theatre, hooping, puppets, all in response to the poetry of Emily Dickinson! This is a one time only performance, and should last about an hour or so. March 8th at […]

Valentines for Dragons

Happy Valentine’s Day! May you be well…and celebrate Valentine, or Lupercalia, or dies Februatus!  May you speak with another, take tea with friends, be a peace within. I send love, Marya

Mask at NTI Spring 2020

  Another amazing journey into Mask and monologue and movement at NTI, with help from Kato McNickle and Doug Moffat. The students were inventive, generous, full of bright energy.

NewYear’s Eve Workshop

 Photo/Poster is attached. Here is the text of the registration form:   NYE 2019 DAY RETREAT: BRINGING PURPOSE TO OUR PRACTICEMonday Dec 31st, 9:00am – 1:00pm, The Dragon’s EggA.M. and Garza [The Glitter Goddess Collective] will be hosting a day retreat on the final day of 2019 to seal our intentions, reach towards our fullness, […]

University Settlement Dragon’s Egg Presents

Lesley Farlow in Flight Patterns It was amazing and glorious, our concert at University Settlement, featuring performances by Egg residents selected from the past two years: Clare Byrne, Nick Leichter, Amy Larimer, Jamie Graham, Ara Fitzgerald, Brynne Billingsley, Amy Larson, Lesley Farlow, Jason Rabin, Claire Porter, Lindy Fines, Breckym Drescher, Rachel Gill, Chelsea Hecht.   […]

Dragon’s Egg Presents December 7th

Dragon’s Egg Presents!!  On December 7th at 1:30 University Settlement at 184 Eldridge in NYC   Here are the closest subway  stops: B/D to Grand Street F to 2nd Avenue 6 to Spring Street (though this is the furthest “closest” stop)   xo marya Do come join us!!  xo marya     General Admission: $15 […]

Dragon’s Egg Presents

Dragon’s Egg Presents!!  On December 7th at 1:30 University Settlement at 184 Eldridge in NYC Do come join us!!  xo marya     General Admission: $15 (online), $20 (in person on day of show, cash only) Student/Senior: $10 (online), $15 (in person on day of show, cash only)   Special Online Only Discount: $8 (using code […]

Performances by Nee Dance/Theatre

Holding One’s Own: Stories about Living with Breast Cancer   Holding One’s Own is a performance based on the collected stories of women living with breast cancer. Using text, dance, movement, acting and music, the performers trace the challenges faced by these women from diagnosis, treatment, and becoming a survivor. Interpersonal relationships convey the gratitude, […]


  Thank you so much for your support of the KickStarter project for the Dragon’s Egg Presents concert on December 7th, at 1:30 pm, at  University Settlement, on Eldridge Street, NYC. Wow! I am hugely grateful to all of you! I hope to see you here, there, some place in time.  I send love, in […]

Hadar Ahuvia and Shira Eviatar will be in Residence at the Egg

HADAR AHUVIA & SHIRA EVIATARPOSSESSING Possessing brings together artists Hadar Ahuvia and Shira Eviatar to collaboratively question their shared, inherited trauma of the Israeli nation-state, asking “How do we move together?” Ahuvia, unpacking Ashkenazi heritage in institutionalized Zionist folk dance, and Eviatar, recentralizing Arab/Mizrahi aesthetics in contemporary performance, incite dialogue around appropriation, legacy, and settler-colonialism. […]

Kickstarter has a Goal

(Marya as the Goat at the Hygienic) 58 backers! 58 hours to go! We are fully funded, and so thrilled and grateful to all of you!! I send love on this first day of Autumn, just after the equinox! (celebrating the light at the Egg) I especially thank the donors to this Kickstarter Project, Dragon’s […]

Kickstarter Campaign for the Fall Concert at University Settlement

I have just launched a kickstarter project! Please feel free to share this widely, to help us to support this particular dream! xo marya

Yoga shifts for Marya for the next few weeks

Updates Yes, yoga on August 26th, at 4:30.  No yoga on Labour Day. Yes, yoga on August 11th (Wednesday) at 4:30. And then we are back to normal.   5 pm on Mondays! What a lovely brisk late summer day, with clouds rolling in.  My daughter and little grand are expected, that we may celebrate my […]

Dragon’s Egg Presents

Hi! The Dragon’s Egg (Marya Ursin is organizing and producing) is presenting 8 or 9 artists who have been in residence at the Egg in a concert at University Settlement on December 7th, at 1:30 pm. Here is the FaceBook link:   Please come!   xo namaste, marya

The Ravine Jaynes have a Showing!

July 7 at 5 pm at the Dragon’s Egg – a showing of work in progress by the Raving Jaynes! The Raving Jaynes: Improvised Dance/Theater is a highly physical improv duo that creates spontaneous theater for intimate spaces. Weaving together techniques from clown, dance and improv, the performers, Jamie Graham and Amy Larimer, play between […]

Odyssey Project

The Odyssey Project is This Saturday!!   June 22 at 4 pm, at the Dragon’s Egg! The Odyssey – meet Circe and the Sirens and the Cyclops and the persevering Odysseus! Question Penelope. Go to the Council of the Gods.  All of this, for you!  and all of us – come be our audience for this […]

Raving Jaynes

The Raving Jaynes:Improvised Dance/Theater is a highly physical improv duo that creates spontaneous theater for intimate spaces. Weaving together techniques from clown, dance and improv, the performers, Jamie Graham and Amy Larimer, play between mediums. Movement, text and sound are twisted together to transform what waits in the empty space into sweaty stories.  Nothing is […]

Summer Dance!

Summer Dance Sampler at the Dragon’s Egg:     Wednesdays at 5:30 – 6:30 (unless otherwise noted)   June 5 – July 24;  each class @$15   Each class is a separate registration, and pre registration is required so that we can see if the class is a “go” or not.  If there is not […]