Stonington Poet Laureate is established!
Poet laureate Press Releasethe TOWN OF STONINGTON ESTABLISHES POSITION OF POET LAUREATE Under the direction of the Stonington Cultural District Commission (SCDC), theTown has officially established the position of ‘Poet Laureate’. Aligning with National Poetry Month, an application and selection process willbe publicly rolled out for this two-year post. Cultural District Commission Chair Paul Geise.expressed […]
Hygienic Egg Programme
Dragon’s Egg PresentsThe Hygienic EggOn March 9th, 2025, at the Hygienic Galleries of New LondonA nearly annual collaboration with the HygienicWe provide the performers, they provide the amazing venues, as we promenade through the Galleries, taking in the art, and creating our own. This yea’s work is in response to the prompt of Pygmalion. […]
No Egg yet, but Active
Greetings, on this snowy February snow moon day, Full Moon in Leo! Beauty is around us, and within us. Beauty abounds – we must remember that, and bring kindness and peace and honor into the world. Marya did a Beastie show in Abington, Mass, to an enthusiastic K-5 audience. They were a delight, engaged, full […]
Which comes first, the dragon or the egg?
Greetings and wishes for well being and peace, in this new year! The Dragon’s Egg continues to be (slowly) under reconstruction. I think of dances in which the stillness is key to the rhythm, and can only assume this is part of the song of the Dragon’s Egg, this pause. And then there will […]
Tellabration! Saturday, November 9, at 3 pm
Tellabration! Yay!!! Saturday, 11/9 at 3 pm8 Hancox Street, Stonington To honor storytelling, the Ct. Storytelling Center hosts storytelling events throughout the state during the month of November.The Dragon’s Egg has consistently been a part of this event.This year, we shall have a Living Room Tellabration!!! With a number of tellers, onSaturday, 11/9, at […]
Samhain blessings The moon will be transiting scorpio from about midday on Thursday through Saturday eve. It will be “void of course” in the middle of Saturday night for a short time. The moon will be dark and then new early Friday. Coinciding with the dark moon this Friday Nov 1, the next few […]
Tellabration! 11/9 at 3 pm To honor storytelling, the Ct. Storytelling Center hosts storytelling events throughout the state during the month of November. The Dragon’s Egg has consistently been a part of this event. This year, we shall have a Living Room Tellabration!!! With a number of tellers, on Saturday, 11/9, at 3 pmAt our […]
Upcoming Living Room Events!
Next Sunday, on October 20th, we shall have tea and read, together, The Birthday Party, by Harold Pinter, in our Living Room at 8 Hancox Street in Stonington. You may read or listen. I look forward to seeing you! Do please RSVP. Then, on November 9th, Saturday, at 3 pm, we shall have our […]
Tellabration is coming!
As usual, we plan to host Tellabration 2024, but we have no Dragon’s Egg this year. I am thinking of alternative ways to honour and celebrate storytelling during November: These would be in our Living Room in Stonington, so it would be informal, and would be a bit more like a small gathering/party for friends.I would […]
Luminaria walk at Copp Family Farm last night, October 4th – magic was indeed afoot! yay Aarya, Anna, Grace, Adeline, Indigo, Madeline, Frida, Jennifer, Rachel, David, Dan, and moi!
Closing Party at the Hygienic is Thursday, Sept. 26
Painting by Janvier Miller Greetingsi! I so look forward to seeing you all for our Closing Party for the show at the Hygienic, which has featured work by Eva Leong, Gus and Jan Miller, Dan Potter, Marya Ursin,on Thursday – 9/26 – from 4-6 pm. The Hygienic Galleries is located at 79 Bank Street […]
Dragon’s Egg Presented yesterday!
It happened! We came, we opened our hearts and minds to dance and theatre and music, and the audience came to complete the circle. I am in awe of the performers, and so very grateful to all for performing, watching and listening, coming to the egg, supporting one another. It was a wonderful […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents!
The Dragon’s Egg Presents at University Settlement performance is on This Saturday, the 21st, at 2 pm ( in NYC) and promises to be a rich experience of dance, music, theatre! Experience new worlds!Give yourself time to get there, and be on time, as late entry may be tricky.You can pre pay and reserve […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents! 2024 – at University Settlement
Please come!! be in touch with Me for tickets: $15 pre paid reservations, $20 at the door.xo m Dragon’s Egg Presents!at 2 pm at University Settlement, Speyer Hall, on September 21, 2024184 Eldridge Street, NYC, NY 10002All of the performers have been artists in residence at the Dragon’s Egg in the past years.For more […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents – tickets on sale!
Yes! We are doing the concert in NYC, Dragon’s Egg Presents! NYC: 9/21/2024, at 2:00 pm: Dragon’s Egg Presents!at University Settlement, 184 Eldridge, NYC, 10002.Tickets $15; at the door: $20.Contact for tickets/reservation. Performers: Alison Cook Beatty, Clare Byrne (Celestials),Stroller Scene, TINATA, Ara Fitzgerald, Haus of Glitter, Morgan Griffin,Anabella Lenzu, Catherine Messina, Garet […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents at University Settlement
Just a head’s up: Dragon’s Egg Presents at University Settlement, NYC, a concert of past Egg residents, will be on Saturday, September 21, at 2 pm. Tickets can be reserved and paid for via email to Marya,
Play Reading on July 20, August 18, September 15
Our first living room informal play reading (with tea and such) will be on Saturday, July 20th, from 2-5. This play has 7 characters, and the stage direction reader. The possible assignments are below… I have four copies. Hopefully some of you may get copies for yourselves! We need 7 copies. stage directions reader: […]
Play Readings and Tea at the Hancox House
Hi! I am going to be hosting a series of “living room play reading with tea” afternoons at our home at 8 Hancox Street. If you are interested, do be in touch with me, Marya, at I hope that these may become monthly. We shall begin with a reading of Sara […]
Just to keep you Updated
Just to keep you updated: Work is proceeding apace. Because the insulation was smoke infused, it is being removed, which is a labour intensive process. My understanding is that, once mitigation is completed, the builder engaged by ServiceMaster will engage in all permits, zoning conversations, et al, and re building will begin likely in […]
The swing survives, and on we go
The work proceeds. You can see that the swing survives! The second one is also there. And the shower with the bas reliefs looks pretty much intact. There is a meeting with the (re) builder this week, as the work of mitigation comes to a close…We are busily building masks, ourselves, for Marya’s upcoming […]
Egg and Barn Fire Update
Greetings! We are surrounded by messages of love and support from all of you, from the artists of the Egg, from community, from colleagues, from friends – thank you! And we are also surrounded by a team of professionals who are generous with their time and expertise – the fire department, the insurance […]
Nicky Checker and Local Playwrights at the Egg!
On Saturday, Jan. 20th, there was a performance of “Exploratory Playwriting”. The program featured scripts deemed “One Character Wonders” from classes taught by Nicholas Checker at the Thames Club in New London, in coordination with the Garde Arts Center and Flock MakerSpace. Each script presented an emotions tour de force in which a single […]
Skytails at the Waterford Library, Friday, November 10th, at 2 pm
Skytails at the Waterford Library, Friday, November 10th, at 2 pm Tellabration has begun! Tellabration is a celebration of storytelling throughout the state, organized by the Ct. Storytelling Center, located in New London. The tales told by the Mystic Paper Beasts Theatre Company are original or traditional folk stories, expressed through humor and movement, […]