Sacred Sound Opening
Join us for the Sacred Sound Awakening! This Saturday at the beautiful Dragon’s Egg Studio in Ledyard, CT. This ceremony of Light and Sound transmits Divine Love through a field of harmonic resonance and encoded Sacred Sound transmissions. Deeply healing, nourishing, and replenishing, the Sacred Sound Awakening purifies your energy field of all forms […]
Anne Belliveau – New Year’s Retreat 1/25

January’s New Year Retreat on the 25th. About the event: Participants are guided through a signature process of discovering and activating the energetic frequency of their highest intentions for the New Year. It is a very freeing, clarifying and empowering process! (Nothing like your old New Year Resolutions, lol.) The retreat will include journaling, […]
Sacred Sound Awakening- June 26

Open to bliss, deep healing, and inner peace…Utterly effortless, blissful and sweet, the Sacred Sound Awakening is a channelled soundscape of voice, harp, and singing bowls that bring us into alignment with our greatest strength and joy. The powerful field of resonance created by the Sacred Sounds allows old holding patterns of tension, stress, […]
Kirtan with Shakti Ma

This is a kirtan event being offered by Barbara Macleod, “Shakti Ma” and friends, for all our enjoyment and benefit! I hope you will join us! Wednesday, October 24th, at the Dragon’s Egg. The event will begin at 6 pm. By donation. Kirtan with Shakti Ma and Friends in honor of Sara Mae Williams […]
Summer Dance Sampler!

Summer Dance Sampler Pre registration for each class singly please! Cheque to Mystic Paper Beasts with the particular class in the subject line. That will be how we know if a class is a “go” or not.. NB Zumba ($12) and Kundalini Meditation ($5 donation) are both one hour classes. Summer […]