Stonington Poet Laureate is established!
Poet laureate Press Releasethe TOWN OF STONINGTON ESTABLISHES POSITION OF POET LAUREATE Under the direction of the Stonington Cultural District Commission (SCDC), theTown has officially established the position of ‘Poet Laureate’. Aligning with National Poetry Month, an application and selection process willbe publicly rolled out for this two-year post. Cultural District Commission Chair Paul Geise.expressed […]
Play Reading of Dead Man’s Cell Phone
Our first living room informal play reading (with tea and such) will be on Saturday, July 20th, from 2-5. Dead Man’s Cell Phone by Sarah Ruhl A number of interested readers have responded they would like to be a part of the reading.This play has 7 characters, and the stage direction reader; here are the […]
Just to keep you Updated
Just to keep you updated: Work is proceeding apace. Because the insulation was smoke infused, it is being removed, which is a labour intensive process. My understanding is that, once mitigation is completed, the builder engaged by ServiceMaster will engage in all permits, zoning conversations, et al, and re building will begin likely in […]
Egg and Barn Fire Update
Greetings! We are surrounded by messages of love and support from all of you, from the artists of the Egg, from community, from colleagues, from friends – thank you! And we are also surrounded by a team of professionals who are generous with their time and expertise – the fire department, the insurance […]
Upcoming Summer Events at the Egg
We have lots of artists in Residence during the summer, and we also have various Public Events coming up! Please join us! With glee and delight, we offer: Hold the dates – at the Dragon’s Egg: July 12 at 4 pm – Dan Potter and Alice Perowill have a conversation in poetry and she will […]
Earth Day in May – zoom from the Dragon
Greetings! I should like to invite you to a zoom Earth Day/May Day celebration,a zoom event at noon on May 7th. It will include storytelling about the earth, dances from a couple of different groups, earth songs? hooping, earth poetry, earth puppets, stories of protection and of hope…. playful and serious, sad and joyful. […]
Ara and Lesley showing at the Egg on April 7th at 4 pm
Here’s a photo (photographer unknown) of us some decades ago. April 7th at 4pm Ara Fitzgerald and Lesley Farlow will share writing, dancing, writing about dancing, and writing while dancing. Looking forward….also on zoom! a
Auden at the Hygienic Egg Cancelled
Greetings! The focus of this year’s Hygienic Egg will the the poetry and times of the poet Auden.It will be held in person, at the Hygienic Galleries, in New London, Ct., produced by Marya of The Dragon’s Egg,on April 2nd, at 12:30 pm. Do please let me know if you plan to present a […]
Haus of Glitter lights up the egg!
: The Haus of Glitter Dance Company just wrapped part 1 of 3 for our Winter/Spring Residency at The Dragon’s Egg Studio! After announcing the end of our occupation + residence at the former home of Esek Hopkins, commander of the slavery ship “Sally,” this past November 2022, The Haus of Glitter was fortunate to […]
Year end Membership Letter for the Beasts and Egg
On a balmy (!) November day, we look back at the year for the Mystic Paper Beasts, and at the Dragon’s Egg. Marya applied for four grants and we were very fortunate to receive: We received two General Operating Support Grant \for Theaters and Performing Groups, from Ct. Humanities and from the Dept of […]
Cornfield Dance at the Egg!
Greetings! This is a phenomenal opportunity and offering at the Dragon’s Egg! Do join us on August 23rd, a Tuesday, for an open rehearsal at 3:30, followed by a performance at 4 pm, of Ellen Cornfield Dance, from NYC. Ellen Cornfield, will be in residency at the Dragon’s Egg (401 Shewville Road, Ledyard) for […]
Cornfield Dance and a NEST Grant!
A NYC dancer/choreographer friend of mine, Ellen Cornfield, will be in residency at the Dragon’s Egg (401 Shewville Road, Ledyard) for a few days in August., as a part of a NEST grant which Cornfield Dance, Windhover in Massachusetts, and the Dragon’s Egg, have won! They will be performing on Tuesday, August 23rd at 4 […]
Garden Club, Poets, and Beasts!!!

The Stonington Garden Club, Mystic Paper Beasts, Poets Collaboration Schedule The Garden Club event, Gardens by the Sea, runs from 10-4 on both Friday and Saturday, June 10 and 11. They are focussed on a number of gardens in the Boro, and have a satellite which is the Children’s Garden, in front of the Como. […]
May Day! The Programme

Yupik Mask May Day! For the Earth, a zoom event: Dragon’s Egg Presents May 1st at 1 pm. Our May Day project will focus on the language of the Earth, the language of the trees, the under and the overstory, the call for reversing the direction the many societies of the world have been taking for […]
May Day! May Day!! Dragon’s Egg Presents

May Day! May Day!! For the Earth, a zoom event: Dragon’s Egg Presents May 1st at 1 pm. Our May Day project will focus on the language of the Earth, the language of the trees, the under and the overstory, the call for reversing the direction the many societies of the world have been taking for […]
Poets of the Heart – Dragon’s Egg Presents

To honour Valentine’s Day, and our connections to one another through love, the Dragon’s Egg offered a zoom event on Sunday, February 13th, at 1 pm. The event lasted about an hour, and was full of color, variety, scandal, and love! Heh. The Poets were: 1. Dian Parker 2. Jane Johnson 3. Jean-Yves Solinga 4. […]
Tellabration!! This is the Programme

Tellabration!!! Nov. 14, 2021, Sunday, at 4 pm, in person, at the Dragon’s Egg. Suitable for all ages! (You will remember that last year, we were on zoom!) The Egg is participating, as it has for many years, in the statewide event of Tellabration, which is organized by the Ct. Storytelling Center, which now has […]
Headless and Heedless but Heartful

marya as arachne I Thank the Performers for their wonderful flights of fancy, spooky inventions and memories, films and music, tales and poems, spinnings and beings!! They were wonderful! It was a nicely glitchy time, -those naughty ghosts, no doubt! – glad for the opportunity for humility and patience, in our ever shifting changing creative […]
Headless and Heedless – come!

Sunday, October 31, at noon, via zoom. Link is below. The Heedless Horseman, by Dan Potter, is one of the offerings tomorrow! See the zoom code below. xo m A teacher of etiquette up from Connecticut came to a party as Ichabod Crane In a castle of vassals Katrina Van Tassels his hostess bewitched him […]
Headless Hallowe’en

Hi! We are having a zoom celebration of Hallowe’en – on Sunday, Oct. 31, at high noon! suitable for all. I started with the Headless Horseman as a prompt, but it has expanded toward the mysterious or spooky of this time of crossing or playing in the veil of time between death and life. Performers […]
Contemplative Art Practice with Jessica Cerullo at the Egg

Monday, October 25th, at 10:30 am, and the last Monday of every month through April, 2022. Guided by Jessica Cerullo. Do come! namaste, marya Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 12.46.07 AM.png Contemplative Art Practice at the Dragon’s Egg Are you interested in exploring the play between contemplation and art making? Do you (seek to) delight in […]
Headless and Hallowe’en – what have they in common?

Sita on the roof Hi! Come! Possibly spooky, possibly amusing, possibly informative, certainly entertaining! Join us for a zoom Hallowe’en event on, gasp, indeed, Hallowe’en day, at midday – not midnight – to hear tales of dread and wonder, to nibble at the soul cakes of these offerings – all via zoom.. Here is the […]
Hygienic Earth Egg Links us at noon on Sunday

Here is the link for the Hygienic Earth Egg event Sunday, April 25, at noon. Marya Ursin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Hygienic Egg at Home Time: Apr 25, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 820 1822 2788 One tap mobile +13017158592,,82018222788# US […]
Hygienic Earth Egg is on Sunday, April 25

(Oslo forest by Oyvind Kavag) Programme for the Hygienic Earth Egg- a Zoom experience! April 25, 2021 The actors, dancers, puppeteers, poets, and musicians give of their time and their generous talent freely. If you are able to give a donation to the Dragon’s Egg to help us support this work, you may use pay […]