Upcoming Acro Yoga on July 18 – two months to go!
Summer Sampler at The Dragon’s Egg! Acro Yoga combines breath, movement and play! Expand your yoga practice! Increase your strength, stamina and confidence! Hone body awareness Strengthen the core Improve your balance Learn to go upside down with inversions like handstands and headstands. Fly your partner and be flown with Acro Yoga! A […]
Marya at Brandeis

Marya will be giving a Performance/Workshop at Brandeis University on April 30th at 2 pm! Beasts arise in story and movement and song!
Holiday Bazaar!!

Holiday Bazaar at the Egg!! December 6th, Sunday, at the Dragon’s Egg, from 2 – 5 pm. This is an informal and delightful event at the egg, offering all manner of Things and Experience, Poetry, and, of course, great company! I look forward to seeing you! xo marya
Out Ct.! Pride at Ocean Beach

This weekend, the Beasts will be roving for Out Ct. at Ocean Beach on Sunday, midafternoon! Come Join us! August 30th! Ocean Beach in New London.
Outside the Box Festival!

The Mystic Paper Beasts perform for the fabulous Outside the Box Festival on the Boston Green, July 15, at 2 pm!!
Belly Dance at the Egg

Belly dance with Sahari, June 3, 5:45 pm Learn basic belly dance moves and exciting combinations. Develop body awareness, coordination, and confidence as you enjoy one of the most captivating ancient dance forms. Sahari is an instructor and performer of Middle Eastern Dance. She has been dancing for over 14 years and is […]
Earth Day is Every Day! come on May 17th!

Earth Day, Celebrate the earth, yourself, all beings, with us, at the Dragon’s Egg, on Sunday, May 17, from 2-4:30 pm. There will be a few vendors, perhaps a poet or two, a nature walk, some games, and I shall lead a sunworship early on, and a pilgrimage dance or a wolf dance part way […]
Earth and Egg and Earth

We are celebrating Earth Day at the Egg this year in May!! May 17, from 2 – 4:30. There will be games and some circle dancing, a few vendors, some snacks, some play, some seriousness, some sun worships, some sculpture making, some masking and unmasking. Come join us! (let me know if you would like […]
Hold the date! Nov. 9 at 4 pmand join us for this annual celebration of storytelling that takes place throughout Connecticut in November, sponsored by the Ct. Center for Storytelling. Our date, at the Dragon’s Egg, will be Sunday, November 9th, at 4 pm. The event will be suitable for all ages, will run about […]
Dragon’s Egg Presents! at Triskelion Arts in Brooklyn, NY

It is coming! The concert of ten artists – dancers and actors – in solo work, duets, trios, group work – all of whom have been in residence at the Egg in the past year. Dragon’s Egg Presents at Triskelion in Brooklyn, NY! September 27th, Matinee: 2 pm Reservations: mybeasts@aol.com @$15 Triskelion Arts […]
Beasts Rove at Coogan’s Farm
Hi! The Beasts will be roving on Saturday 9/6 from around 5:15 – 6:30 at Coogan Farm for their grand celebration. It is free and suitable for all ages. There will be a cajun band for you to dance to! Bring a picnic, or purchase gourmet delicacies there! 162 Greenmanville Ave, Mystic. namaste, marya Coogan_Farm_Saturday_Poster_1.pdf
Beasts Rove to celebrate Coogan Farm’s opening
Hi! The Beasts will be roving on Saturday 9/6 from around 5:15 – 6:30 at Coogan Farm for their grand celebration. It is free and suitable for all ages. There will be a cajun band for you to dance to! Bring a picnic, or purchase gourmet delicacies there! 162 Greenmanville Ave, Mystic. namaste, marya Coogan_Farm_Saturday_Poster_1.pdf
Beasts in Marlborough!

The Beasts will be performing on Union Square in Marlborough, Mass, on 8/9 at 1 pm. Yay! ‘Twill be fun! Come join us!
Beasts Rove Again!

The Beasts will be roving with antic glee at the Torrington Street Fair! Look for us on Thursday, August 8th, between 5:30 and 7:30 pm.
Out of the Box Festival!

The Beasts are performing in this glorious heat on the Boston Common, as a part of the Out of the Box weeklong festival of free performances in the park. On Wednesday, the place was full of music, juggling, stories, theatre, and lots of people, happy and hot! The volunteers and the workers for […]
African Dance at the Egg!
Dance Sampler at the Egg Presents: African Dance! Wednesday, June 12th, at 6 pm. All ages are welcome. @$12. Children are half price. Please pre register so that we know if this class is a “go” or not. Cheques should be written to Mystic Paper Beasts. Contact mybeasts@aol.com. Join Ashley Jones and […]
Juliet and her Romeo – June 15th

The R and J Project!! June 15 at 4 pm, at the Dragon’s Egg This will be the tenth annual Narrative Project at the Egg, in which a particular literary text is selected, and Dragon’s Egg artists of various genres (dance, theatre, music, puppetry) create a riff on a particular portion of the text. Marya […]
Neighbors’ Day at Riverside Park

The Beasts will rove, and rove again, and parade with all who want to join, as a part of the Celebrate Neighbors at Riverside Park Day in New London, this Sunday, May 19th. The event goes on all day – the Beasts will be there around 1:30 for an hour. Come join us! Do! […]