Dragon’s Egg Presents! 2024 – at University Settlement
Please come!! be in touch with Me for tickets: $15 pre paid reservations, $20 at the door.xo m Dragon’s Egg Presents!at 2 pm at University Settlement, Speyer Hall, on September 21, 2024184 Eldridge Street, NYC, NY 10002All of the performers have been artists in residence at the Dragon’s Egg in the past years.For more […]
Open Improv Dance at the Egg!
“Improvisational Dance Studio at the Egg”Open to all! July 18August 15September 19 “Come join us from 7:00 to 9:00 pm on the third Tuesday in July, August, and September at the Egg for a chance to dance improv in the presence of other participants. Bring the title of a piece of music or multiple […]
Aaron Brando at the Egg

This residency is part of an ongoing exploration of contemplative dance practices & Contact Improvisation intersecting with more verbal/meditative practices i.e. authentic relating, focusing, circling social mediation practice. In Relational Circling, we bring our attention to the connection between people and what arises in ourselves in a social environment. In conversation, we share the intention […]
The Ravine Jaynes have a Showing!

July 7 at 5 pm at the Dragon’s Egg – a showing of work in progress by the Raving Jaynes! The Raving Jaynes: Improvised Dance/Theater is a highly physical improv duo that creates spontaneous theater for intimate spaces. Weaving together techniques from clown, dance and improv, the performers, Jamie Graham and Amy Larimer, play between […]
L’Ana Burton teaching Dance at the Egg
L’Ana Burton will be teaching a series of four dance workshops at the Egg, every other Wednesday, beginning October 10th and ending the day before Thanksgiving. Come to one or all of them! and come come one and all! heh, have fun! 1st Adult/Teen Dance Workshop will be NEXT Wednesday Eve October 10 Wednesday […]
Constellation Chor in Residence in October!

Constellation Chor* is an improvising vocal performance ensemble made up of composers, singers, dancers and actors, and founded by music-theatre and choral composer Marisa Michelson *Chor from the Latin Cor meaning: heart, soul, mind; and the Greek Khoros meaning: to dance in a circle… ~chor is also meant to evoke the core, the center and the […]