Dragon's Egg Studio
Dragon's Egg Studio
Dragon's Egg Studio
Dragon's Egg Studio
Dragon's Egg Studio


Dragon’s Egg Presents!


Jenny italy

The Dragon’s Egg Presents at University Settlement performance is on This Saturday, the 21st, at 2 pm ( in NYC) and promises to be a rich experience of dance, music, theatre!
Experience new worlds!
Give yourself time to get there, and be on time, as late entry may be tricky.
You can pre pay and reserve tickets with me, via cheque or pay pal :
Or by cheque to the Mystic Paper Beasts, 8 Hancox, Stonington, Ct. 06378.

Thank you! xo Marya Ursin

Alison Cook Beatty Company, Celestials, Stroller Scene, TINATA, Ara Fitzgerald, Haus of Glitter, Morgan Griffin, Anabella Lenzu, Catherine Messina, Garet Wierdsma, Andrea Ward.
stage manager: LD Kelley, lighting: Emma Rivera, film recording: Dan Potter
Producer/MC/organizer: Marya Ursin
For the Dragon’s Egg Presents on Sept. 21, at 2 pm,
at University Settlement in NYC,
184 Eldridge St.
Here are the closest subway stops:
B/D to Grand Street
F to 2nd Avenue
6 to Spring Street (though this is the furthest “closest” stop)

Dragon’s Egg Presents! 2024 – at University Settlement


Ara clare2

Please come!! be in touch with Me for tickets: $15 pre paid reservations, $20 at the door.
xo m

Dragon’s Egg Presents!
at 2 pm at University Settlement, Speyer Hall, on September 21, 2024
184 Eldridge Street, NYC, NY 10002
All of the performers have been artists in residence at the Dragon’s Egg in the past years.
For more information about artistic residencies, and for the many activities of the Dragon’s Egg and of the Mystic Paper Beasts, please contact Marya Ursin at mybeasts@aol.com and visit the website: https:/dragonseggstudio.org

Programme for Dragon’s Egg Presents

“You Are Invited”
astral folk music by The Celestials: pre show and first bit
Clare Byrne, Amy Larimer, Nicholas Leichter

In Spite Of, Because Of…The Wallpaper
Choreography: Alison Cook-Beatty
Music: Jonathan Howard Katz:, No. 6
Dancers: Madelaine Burnett, Ioanna Ioannides, Ava Trochiano with
Tomislav Nevistić, Hannah Dillenbeck, Jacob Blank, and Gion Treichler
Set Designer: Daniel George Cook
Costumes: Ali Taghavi and Alison Cook-Beatty
Corporal Movement Coach: Steven Colluci
Premiered as a dance film in 2020, supported, in part, by the Dance/NYC Coronavirus Dance Relief Fund and premiered at Arts On Site in February 2024.

Fogata de amor (Fire of Love) by Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama
The duet conjures memories of the mother-daughter relationship, youth, aging, and the passage of time. The dance is inspired by Argentinean folk dances La Samba y La chacarera.
Dancers: Fiamma Lenzu-Carroll & Anabella Lenzu
Music: Victor hereditary. Singer: Mercedes Sosa and Lila Downs.

(my battery is low) and it is getting dark (excerpt)
Choreographer: Catherine Messina, director of rogue wave
Dancers: JG Luijte, Mayu NakaYa, Catherine Messina, Emily Hoff, Aryanna Allen
Costuming and sound editing: Catherine Messina

Imposter Syndrome
Choreography by Garet Wierdsma
Music: Audio clips from Psych2Day, “Emerald and Stone” by Jon Hopkins, “An Aborted
Being” by Nils Fraham, “QY2” by Gem Club
Dancers: Kyleigh Olivier and Evie Sonda

“La Llorona” – a Mexican folk song performed in the style of Chavela Vargas
“Yo Soy Aquel” – written by Manuel Alvarez & Beigbeder Perez; performed in the style of Raphael
Excerpts from The Haus of Glitter
Vocalist and Piano: Matt Garza
Guitar: Avi David
Gown: John Cantu
Like Fire and Powder
Choreographed and performed by Morgan Griffin
Music by Sergei Prokofiev
Director: Corydon Wagner
Producers: Julia Lewis & Meg Murthy
DOP: Axel Ebermann
AC: Kyle Taylor
Editor: Aaron Himelstein
Color: Vladmir Kucherov
Graphics: Alrightnice
Made possible by a residency at Art Cake NYC.

Grasping for Gravity
From the series, “Two Women Talking”
Created and performed by Ara Fitzgerald and Martha Moore.
Developed through transatlantic zooms, this series began thanks to nudges
from Marya and the Dragon’s Egg.
We are thrilled to finally share gravity in the same space an time.

Bush Gardens
TINATA Brynne Billingsley/ Elizabeth Corbett/ Penny Freeh
Choreography, sets, costumes: TINATA
Music: Kate Bush, Vivaldi
In “Bush Gardens,” TINATA performs elements mined from the medieval “Distaff Gospels,” pop culture, and dance, in an ironic polyvocal collage.

Recital: A Dragon’s Egg Prayer
Created and performed by Stroller Scene:
Ashley Siflinger – Company Manager
Chris Diercksen – Artistic Director
Jen Diamond – Communications Manager
Percy Hornak – Literary Manager
Sam Walsh – Graphic Design/Marketing

Stage manager: LD Kelley
Recorder of the event: Dan Potter
Ticket takers: Aarya Tiwathia and friends
Lighting: Emma Rivera



Living Room Playreading series continues

Our next informal
Living Room Playreading, sponsored by the Mystic Paper Beasts,
will be on
Sunday afternoon, Sept. 15, from 2-5 pm,
at 8 Hancox, in Stonington.

We shall be reading British playwright Caryl Churchill’s play,
Cloud 9.

There are a number of characters, so let me know if you might be willing to read a part, or if you prefer to simply listen.
If taking a part, be sure you have read the play, and have a copy of it. I have four copies.

I shall serve tea, and seltzer, and something like banana bread. Keeping it simple. It is all about Reading the play together!

Thank you so much! RSVP

I am including here, below, a list/description of the characters.

namaste, marya

Cloud Nine
14 characters

The first act’s protagonist, Clive is the model British aristocrat, at least at first glance. He puts his duty to country above all else and expects those that depend on him to behave according to his will. Clive believes that sex-roles are clearly defined and refuses to accept otherwise, expecting his son Edward to be just as masculine as he is. Almost daily, Clive struggles to keep his family proper and intact. He is a racist who believes the African natives to be “savages” that can only be tamed by his firm British discipline. Although his principles may seem clear, Clive does engage in an affair with Mrs. Saunders, breaking the standard of fidelity that he tries to impose upon his wife Betty.
In the first act, Betty, played by a man, spends most of her time confused and incapable of making any decisions of her own. She relies totally upon her husband Clive to provide direction in her life. Betty does not, however, lack a sense of adventure. She dreams of a relationship with Harry, wondering what life might be like outside of her own. Betty remains caught between her duty to family and her yearning for romance. In Act II, a new Betty, played by a new actor, acquires a sense of independence and evolves into the play’s protagonist. This Betty is older, however, and prone to long-winded lectures and unsolicited comment. The new Betty finds independence intriguing, but frightening and her relationship to her children Victoria and Edward often seems to be the only thing to keep her sane.
At a young age, Edward (played by a woman in Act I) discovers a proclivity for feminine things and an attraction to other males. However, he keeps his yearnings in check for fear of upsetting his conservative father. These fears subside, but do not disappear as Edward grows up. The older Edward of Act II (played by a man) finds that he fits well into the role of mother and wife. He prefers steady companionship to promiscuity, but has difficulty asserting himself to get what he wants.
Victoria, although unimportant to the first act (perhaps because she is played by a dummy) emerges as a central figure of the play in the second act. Like others in her family, Victoria is prone to dependence but has moments of self-reliance. Victoria is usually non-confrontational, preferring the role of peace- maker. She feels pain and uncertainty in her search for identity.
Harry Bagley
On the surface, Harry, a British explorer, represents British courage and discovery. However, Harry’s acclaim as an explorer masks a deviant sexual appetite. Harry’s presence, while seemingly harmless, begins to bring out the deep sexual leanings of the members of Clive’s family. Ultimately, Harry is as much a victim to his actions as the others. He sacrifices his freedom to avoid persecution for his sexuality.
Mrs. Saunders
Mrs. Saunders, a widow, exhibits a unique sovereignty in a world where women are expected to be dutiful mothers and wives. She is unafraid to wield her sexuality, and she demands respect from the men with whom she comes into contact. Mrs. Saunders has a sense of justice and does not readily accept British tradition and the habits of colonialists.
Lin is a brash lesbian, unafraid to let others know where she stands. Nevertheless, beneath her combativeness, Lin is hurt and uncertain about her ability to be a good mother. She is crass and stubborn at first, but does allow those whom she cares about to get below the surface.

Sex-obsessed Martin likes to think aloud, working out his relationship to wife Victoria in long speeches. Martin often feels incompetent and frustrates himself by over-thinking his sex life. He demonstrates a tendency to think for others, which can offend those with whom he comes into contact. Martin does have a giving side, which he demonstrates in his relationship to Lin’s daughter Cathy and his own son Tommy.
Ellen, Edward’s governess, possesses a strong sense of duty to Clive’s family. She is also dependent upon them and afraid of being sent away. Ellen, too, is working out her sexuality, and nervously tests her attraction to Betty at times. Ultimately, Ellen cannot reconcile her desires with her lot in life, and thus remains unhappy.
A promiscuous homosexual, Gerry has trouble staying in any one place for too long. His relationships fail because of his distaste for commitment. Gerry would like companionship but is reluctant to give up his freedoms.
Honest, reliable and dutiful, Joshua appears to be the perfect servant. He betrays his people to be with Clive. Underneath Joshua’s loyalty, however, anger ferments. He is loyal only for personal gain, and his loyalty stops when his real family is threatened.

Cathy, a five year old girl played by a man, is not exactly normal, to say the least. For her age, Cathy has a remarkable knowledge of inappropriate words and phrases. She seems to harbor aggression, making her susceptible to occasional outbursts. Her disposition derives, in part, from her fear that her mother Lin will leave her. Cathy’s desire to fit in drives most of her actions throughout Act II.
Always a traditionalist, Maud encourages the women around her to behave as she does. She has a penchant for crankiness when her relatives fall out of line, insisting, “she knows best.” Maud adheres to the notion that women are meant to serve and honor their husbands by taking care of the home. She is a well- intentioned mother and grandmother, but her values seem outdated as her guidance often falls upon deaf ears.
Victoria’s son.


Dragon’s Egg Presents – tickets on sale!


Painting of Beast Barn by Gus Miller


Yes! We are doing the concert in NYC, Dragon’s Egg Presents!

NYC: 9/21/2024, at 2:00 pm:
Dragon’s Egg Presents!
at University Settlement, 184 Eldridge, NYC, 10002.
Tickets $15; at the door: $20.
Contact mybeasts@aol.com for tickets/reservation.

Performers: Alison Cook Beatty, Clare Byrne (Celestials),
Stroller Scene, TINATA, Ara Fitzgerald, Haus of Glitter, Morgan Griffin,
Anabella Lenzu, Catherine Messina, Garet Wierdsma, Andrea Ward,
With LD Kelley as the Stage Manager, Marya as MC/organizer.

We showcase various of the dancers/companies who have been in recent* residence at the Egg at this concert.
*Recent, these days, means Before The Fire! which was on March 24th, 2024.

Reservations are highly recommended – the last two years we have been sold out.

Tickets, pre paid, are 15. At the door, they will be $20.

These can be ordered from me, Marya, at mybeasts@aol.com,
and then a cheque from you can be sent to me at
Mystic Paper Beasts at 8 Hancox Street, Stonington, Ct. 06378

Any reserved tickets are only considered so if they have been pre paid by cheque
(easiest for me to keep track of).

Pay pal is possible, but less reliable for me to keep track of, I found.

Any reservations need to have been received by me by mail or via PayPal
by Thursday, Sept. 19.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Xo namaste, marya

Dragon’s Egg Presents at University Settlement


Jules feiffer copy

Just a head’s up:

Dragon’s Egg Presents at University Settlement, NYC, a concert of past Egg residents,

will be on Saturday, September 21, at 2 pm.

Tickets can be reserved and paid for via email to Marya,

Play Reading on July 20, August 18, September 15



Our first living room informal play reading (with tea and such) will be on

Saturday, July 20th, from 2-5.

This play has 7 characters, and the stage direction reader. The  possible assignments are below…

I have four copies.
Hopefully some of you may get copies for yourselves! We need 7 copies.

stage directions reader: Kato McNickle

Gordon, a dead man Milt Angelopoulos
Jean, a woman Jessica Cerullo
The Other Woman/The Stranger Jane Pearson
Hermia, Gordon’s widow Meg Lyons. Confirmed, may leave early
Mrs. Gottlieb, Gordon’s mother Sandy Laub
Dwight, Gordon’s brother Christie Williams

I look forward to seeing you!!

Our Next time I anticipate having on August 18
On that day, we shall read Cloud 9 by Caryl Churchill – with many characters, lots of cross gender casting, and some repeated casting Act 1 to Act 2, in different times.

Please let me know if you are able to be a part of this second date, as well! and if the 18th works for you, 2-5 pm.

I am looking at Sept 15th for our next play reading date. Might that work for you?

xo marya

The incredible lightness of being, with some events


Painting of Beast Barn by Gus Miller

As you probably know, the Beast Barn burned to the ground on
3/24. The Egg was severely damaged, and will be closed
through spring 2025. Meanwhile, Marya will be performing,
Beasts will be roving; we shall have monthly living room
play readings, and local and online events.


Dan sculp from jen window

8/31-9/28: Hygienic Art, 79 Bank St., New London, Ct.
Work by Eva Leong, Gus Miller, Janvier Miller, and Dan Potter,
Curated by Marya. Opening: 8/31: 6-9 pm



NYC: 9/21/2024, at 2:00 pm: Dragon’s Egg Presents!
at University Settlement, 184 Eldridge, NYC, 10002.
Tickets $20; Contact mybeasts@aol.com for tickets/reservation.


Anabellalenzu swing

Performers: Alison Cook Beatty, Clare Byrne (Celestials),
Stroller Scene, TINATA, Ara Fitzgerald, Haus of Glitter, Morgan Griffin,
Anabella Lenzu, Catherine Messina, Garet Wierdsma, Andrea Ward,
With LD Kelley as the Stage Manager, Marya as MC/organizer.

For information regarding the Egg,
or to book a performance by the Mystic Paper Beasts,
please contact Marya: mybeasts@aol.com
Credit: painting by Gustaf Miller, 2023

Play Reading of Dead Man’s Cell Phone

Thumbnail 22

Our first living room informal play reading (with tea and such) will be on 
Saturday, July 20th, from 2-5.   Dead Man’s Cell Phone by Sarah Ruhl

A number of interested readers have responded they would like to be a part of the reading.
This play has 7 characters, and the stage direction reader; here are the work- in- progress cast assignments…  I ordered four copies of the play, and hopefully others will bring their own. 

stage directions reader:                 Kato McNickle

Gordon, a dead man                      Milt Angelopoulos
Jean, a woman                              Jessica Cerullo
The Other Woman/The Stranger  Jane Pearson
Hermia, Gordon’s widow                Meg Lyons. Confirmed, may leave early
Mrs. Gottlieb, Gordon’s mother      Sandy Laub
Dwight, Gordon’s brother               Christie Williams

I look forward to seeing you!!


Our Next time I anticipate having on August 17 or 18, preferably on the 18th, from 2-5, as we shall just be back on the 16th from a trip..
On that day, we shall read Cloud 9  by Caryl Churchill – with many characters, lots of cross gender casting, and some repeated casting Act 1 to Act 2, in different times.

Please let me know if you are able to be a part of this second date, as well!   and if the 18th works for you, 2-5 pm.

I am looking at Sept 15th for our next play reading date.  Might that work for you?

Contact Marya at mybeasts@aol.com

Play Readings and Tea at the Hancox House

Buddy bike



I am going to be hosting a series of  “living room play reading with tea” afternoons at our home at 8 Hancox Street.  If you are interested, do be in touch with me, Marya, at mybeasts@aol.com.

Cat2 Sasuke 1


I hope that these may become monthly.   We shall begin with a reading of Sara Ruhl’s “Dead Man’s Cellphone” on July 20th.  If you are interested, again, you need to be in touch with me for details!

Our next play will be Cloud Nine by Caryl Churchill, likely in August.



I hope to continue these throughout the time of the Egg rebuilding, which is anticipated to take about a year.

May you be well.  May you walk in peace.

Namaste, marya

Just to keep you Updated

Egg play 12 23 21b


Just to keep you updated: Work is proceeding apace. Because the insulation was smoke infused, it is being removed, which is a labour intensive process. My understanding is that, once mitigation is completed, the builder engaged by ServiceMaster will engage in all permits, zoning conversations, et al, and re building will begin likely in July, and they project will continue to March next year. Could take longer…
So the usual residency activities of the Egg, and the public performances and showings, and collaborations with other arts organizations in our showings, are on hold for the nonce.

Sita looking forward

I plan to initiate a series of zoom events and Living Room events.

Owls copy
The concert in NYC at University Settlement is On, and will be on Sept.21 at 2 pm. It will showcase short works by 10 residents from the past year or two at the egg. More on that closer to the time.


I thank you for all your attention, support, donations.
And I send greetings and peace out into the world. May we all walk in beauty, and bless the mothers, who help to bring new thoughts and ways into the world, via their children. Let us move toward kindness.


namaste, marya