Living Room Playreading series continues
Our next informal Living Room Playreading, sponsored by the Mystic Paper Beasts, will be onSunday afternoon, Sept. 15, from 2-5 pm, at 8 Hancox, in Stonington. We shall be reading British playwright Caryl Churchill’s play,Cloud 9. There are a number of characters, so let me know if you might be willing to read a part, […]
Croquet at the Egg is on the Rain Date

Re the Croquet et al at the Egg, originally scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) at the Egg: Currently, showers, possibly thunderstorms, are predicted for Tuesday, so the Croquet and Boules gathering will be on the rain date, which is Wednesday, 6/23, when it is supposed to be clear, or mostly clear! This is not really a […]