Team Awesome Robots becomes 1d at the Egg!
In residence at the Egg, yay!!! Including a return of three NTI alum, sweet things… and a company of excited and exciting performers and writers. 1D is a new play development group from New York City, led by Chris Diercksen. Wholly focused on the development and advocacy of new plays, 1D shepherds […]
Live Film Streaming by Permafrost, at the Egg!

Greetings! Permafrost is in residence at the Dragon’s Egg all week. There will be an Online offering of a live play being performed and recorded at the Dragon’s Egg this week!! I hope you can come! See the details below. The High Priestess is a livestreamed performance with shows Wednesday the 16th, Thursday the 17th, […]
The New Collectives at the Egg!

THE COMPANY: The New Collectives is New York based theatre and film collective. We gather stories, ideas, and inspiration. We find individuals with wildly different talents. We collect it all together, connect the dots, and create something new that runs beautifully. Our mission is to create new, intimate, and innovative works drawing inspiration from classic […]
Sara Farrington and Friends

Sara Farrington and friends have been in residence at the Dragon’s Egg – yay! Here is a bit of what she has to say about the work: My plays are not my plays without a stretch of rehearsal at the Dragon’s Egg. The moment I walk in the door I begin my right-brain vacation. […]