Bread and Puppet

Dan took a lot of pictures of Bread and Puppet visiting Dragon’s Egg last week
and also made a little film of the extraordinary experience which you can find on his YouTube site at this address:

After their brass band greeted arrivals they gave a little street performance about greed in politics, 911 and Maggie Thatcher’s phrase

There Is No Alternative  TINA vs. TATA There Are Thousands of Alternativesthen moved inside the Egg to a gallery of their poster art and we sat down to watch their play, introduced by Marya. In a mountain realm we saw disruptive politics with colorful paintings by Peter Schumann who wrote the play and directed Josh Krugman and his new company to take it on tour. Little kids loved being in the Egg with it playing with sweet actors who gave of themselves joyfully and sang Gratitude, as they sold art and met people afterwards.

B p outside

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