Which comes first, the dragon or the egg?
Greetings and wishes for well being and peace, in this new year! The Dragon’s Egg continues to be (slowly) under reconstruction. I think of dances in which the stillness is key to the rhythm, and can only assume this is part of the song of the Dragon’s Egg, this pause. And then there will […]
Upcoming Living Room Events!
Next Sunday, on October 20th, we shall have tea and read, together, The Birthday Party, by Harold Pinter, in our Living Room at 8 Hancox Street in Stonington. You may read or listen. I look forward to seeing you! Do please RSVP. Then, on November 9th, Saturday, at 3 pm, we shall have our […]
Marya Yoga in person at the Egg once again!
Hi!Marya Yoga at the Egg!!!Mondays from 4:45 – 6 pm,6/5-8/14 We shall have an in person yoga class beginning on June 5th and going through August 14, with no class on 6/26. This is 10 classes (- with possibly a class date change for one of the classes to a Wed.)!! The […]
Maia and Medea fly at the Egg

Maia&Medea are versatile multidisciplinary circus and dance artists who have worked together for several years in solo and ensemble projects. We are working on splicing together our two solo shows into an integrated program. Last winter at the Egg, we worked on devising points of encounter and overlap.. This time in spring, we further developed […]
Marya Zoom Yoga Yes! will continue throughout the spring.

Hi! I thought I would give you all the codes for the yoga classes we are currently having on zoom, so that you can keep them, though I shall continue to send reminders… These are for the zoom yoga classes on Mondays and Thursdays at 9 am, Tuesdays at 5 pm, and Saturdays at 10:30 […]
The Egg is Partially Open

The Egg is partially re opened! We are having residencies, though there are limitations regarding the numbers of people allowed, and we have various health forms re covid and such in place for residents to attend to. There are a couple of classes happening – please check with the presenters, as well as rehearsals by […]
Dragon’s Egg Re Opening Plans

Greetings! I hope you are faring well in this glorious season of sun and thunderstorms, that you are sheltering in place as much as you can, and taking care of yourselves and of others by wearing masks and practicing social distancing. The Egg has been closed to all activity since early March, and is beginning […]
Summer Dance Sampler

Summer Dance Sampler offered on Zoom by the Dragon’s Egg! Hi, Every summer, we have been offering a “Dance Sampler” in which there is a different style of class each week. This year I have put it on the zoom platform, and I hope you will be able to join us for some, or all, […]
Summer Dance Sampler

Summer Dance Sampler offered on Zoom by the Dragon’s Egg! Hi, Every summer, we have been offering a “Dance Sampler” in which there is a different style of class each week. This year I have put it on the zoom platform, and I hope you will be able to join us for some, or all, […]
The Quiet of the Dragon’s Egg

In these precarious times, It is spring time at the Egg! The field is flourishing, the daffodils have blossomed and gone, the grass is growing, the windows are bright, the floor is gleaming. The space awaits you – but, not yet! We hope to be re opening, with caution, in mid July, depending on local […]
The Dragon’s Egg Remains Closed

We have decided that the Egg will remain closed until May 26th. I am so sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment this may occasion for people. All classes and residencies will not meet until more is clear to all of us. Do take care of yourselves, stay home, be safe, walk in beauty. The Dragon’s […]
Earth Day at the Egg

Hi! Update: Hi, I think that, rather than continuing to reschedule our Earth Day honouring and celebration at the Dragon’s Egg, we shall look forward to being together and outside next spring. So, we are cancelling the August 30th Earth Day celebration at the Egg, and yet, continuing to honour the Earth, to practice conservation […]
NewYear’s Eve Workshop
Photo/Poster is attached. Here is the text of the registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdenOVuc6ZVz-HrlprIRfBwZdrlwrkYGxjlPkSrVa_Ko5vISw/viewform NYE 2019 DAY RETREAT: BRINGING PURPOSE TO OUR PRACTICEMonday Dec 31st, 9:00am – 1:00pm, The Dragon’s EggA.M. and Garza [The Glitter Goddess Collective] will be hosting a day retreat on the final day of 2019 to seal our intentions, reach towards our fullness, […]
Marya Winter Yoga at the Egg
We shall meet next Monday the 16th, shall likely meet on 12/30, but not on 1/6 (I’ll be in nyc with Aarya). I’ll be in touch about a possible alternative time in early January. Then, the winter schedule will begin on 1/13: WINTER/SPRING YOGA 2020: DRAGON’S EGG and Connecticut College The schedule will also be […]
Yoga shifts for Marya for the next few weeks

Updates Yes, yoga on August 26th, at 4:30. No yoga on Labour Day. Yes, yoga on August 11th (Wednesday) at 4:30. And then we are back to normal. 5 pm on Mondays! What a lovely brisk late summer day, with clouds rolling in. My daughter and little grand are expected, that we may celebrate my […]
Summer Dance!

Summer Dance Sampler at the Dragon’s Egg: Wednesdays at 5:30 – 6:30 (unless otherwise noted) June 5 – July 24; each class @$15 Each class is a separate registration, and pre registration is required so that we can see if the class is a “go” or not. If there is not […]
Summer Dance at the Egg

Summer 2019 Dance Sampler at the Dragon’s Egg: Wednesdays at 5:30 – 6:30 (unless otherwise noted) June 5 – July 24; each class @$15 Each class is a separate registration, and pre registration is required so that we can see if the class is a “go” or not. […]
Summer Classes at the Egg

SUMMER YOGA 2019: DRAGON’S EGG The schedule will also be posted on our website: www.dragonseggstudio.org Pre registration for the session is requested, and will determine whether or not the class is a “go”. Dragon’s Egg 401 Shewville Rd., Ledyard, Ct. (exit 89, or 90 from I 95) Monday evenings at 5 pm […]
Glitter Goddesses at the Egg!

The Glitter Goddesses began devising a new multidisciplinary performance piece titled “UNRAVELED” at the Dragon’s Egg last weekend bringing together the Throat Chakra, Ritual, Theatre, Sculpture/Installation, Dance, & Original Music. As always, the Dragon’s Egg continues to be a sacred fountain of vulnerability, intimacy, joy, and healing for our creative process. […]
Residencies: Matt Garza and TAPA
Matt Garza will be hosting a series of residencies at the Dragon’s Egg this fall and winter for his students at TAPA, for the teachers, and for the glitter goddesses and friends. Meanwhile, he is busy in Providence with other offerings: 1) “DANCE OF LIFE” BIODANZA COMMUNITY DANCE WORKSHOP BEGINS THIS FRIDAY! http://embodyfreedom.net/danceoflife/#workshop […]
Kirtan with Shakti Ma

This is a kirtan event being offered by Barbara Macleod, “Shakti Ma” and friends, for all our enjoyment and benefit! I hope you will join us! Wednesday, October 24th, at the Dragon’s Egg. The event will begin at 6 pm. By donation. Kirtan with Shakti Ma and Friends in honor of Sara Mae Williams […]
Kirtan at the Egg on October 24

Celebrating Goddess Rising 10/24/2018 An evening of Kirtan, chant, music, dance and celebration of LIFE. Honoring the passing of Sara Mae, we will lift the energies and vibrations to support her on her new journey and bring peace to our longing hearts. I will also use my residence to work […]
Marya’s Fall Yoga Schedule

FALL YOGA 2018: DRAGON’S EGG and Connecticut College The schedule will also be posted on our website: www.dragonseggstudio.org Pre registration for the session is requested. Dragon’s Egg 401 Shewville Rd., Ledyard, Ct. (exit 89, or 90 from I 95) Monday evenings at 5 pm (4:45 optional meditation) session: 8/27 = 12/17 (no class 9/10, nor […]
Acro Yoga at the Egg on July 18

Acro Yoga combines breath, movement and play! Expand your yoga practice! Increase your strength, stamina and confidence! Hone body awareness Strengthen the core Improve your balance Learn to go upside down with inversions like handstands and headstands. Fly your partner and be flown with Acro Yoga! A safe, community atmosphere all ages from […]