Tellabration at the Egg

Tellabration! 2018 November 11 at 4 pm, at the Dragon’s Egg Tellers and Tales: Diane Postoian “My Grandmother’s Broom and Other Shorts.” Susie Scheyder: “Ode to Mama,” Beth Mitchell: “The Tree of Life Cycle Never Gets Boring” Carl Peruzzotti: The “Voyage of the Bluebird” is from […]
Marya’s Fall Yoga Schedule

FALL YOGA 2018: DRAGON’S EGG and Connecticut College The schedule will also be posted on our website: Pre registration for the session is requested. Dragon’s Egg 401 Shewville Rd., Ledyard, Ct. (exit 89, or 90 from I 95) Monday evenings at 5 pm (4:45 optional meditation) session: 8/27 = 12/17 (no class 9/10, nor […]

Storytelling at the Egg the Egg the Egg! on Sunday, November 19, at 4 pm, with two wonderful tellers from the Ct. Storytelling Center, plus the Beasts, and Morning Glory, and Carl Peruzzotti! 4 pm. All Ages! Come join us. Donations welcome. This is a part of the month long celebration of storytelling in Connecticut, […]
Morgan Griffin at the Egg

In Morgan’s words: her work: The project I am working on now is a collection of vignettes and short stories. They are an investigation in space, tone, and emotion. A balance between independence and loneliness, strength and fear, beauty and demise. All in a neutral space and neutral surroundings. At times monotonous, but with […]
Marya at Brandeis

Marya will be giving a Performance/Workshop at Brandeis University on April 30th at 2 pm! Beasts arise in story and movement and song!
Beasts at Gallup Hill

Marya had a fine time with two Third Grade classes at Gallup Hill School for their Day of the Arts. The kids were willing, active, creative, sweet.
Tellabration at the Egg!
This Sunday – at the Dragon’s Egg! The Connecticut Storytelling Center is hosting storytelling all over the state this month, and on Sunday, November 15, at 4 pm, we shall host one of the events in this celebration of storytelling – at the Dragon’s Egg! at 401 Shewville Road, Ledyard, Ct. Tellers will include Sara […]
Winter births Masks at the O’Neill

NTI/NMTI Spring (?! hah!) 2015 make masks, write tales, and move through new adventures! Yay – it was magical fun! xo m
Dreaming the Sky

Marya’s new picture story book, illustrated by Dan Potter and by herself, is here and ready for purchase – from Marya directly! SkyTails – a series of Native American tales. Written by me, illustrated by Dan and by me. $10 in person. to have it mailed: turns out the postage is a bit over $3 […]

Tellabration! Tell a story tell a tale! As a part of the Connecticut Storytelling Center’s statewide story telling celebration the Egg will host an event of stories on November 9th, Sunday, at 4 pm. Suitable for all ages. By donations. Come join us!
Hold the date! Nov. 9 at 4 pmand join us for this annual celebration of storytelling that takes place throughout Connecticut in November, sponsored by the Ct. Center for Storytelling. Our date, at the Dragon’s Egg, will be Sunday, November 9th, at 4 pm. The event will be suitable for all ages, will run about […]