Posts Tagged ‘sonnets’

r and j project: Juliet and her Romeo

Amazing! – it was indeed! Artists gathered to offer their riffs and meditations on the story of Juliet, and her Romeo, with dance, theatre, music, mask, sonnet.   Comments include: (I was blown away by the ) “wit, fantasy, music, dance, acting, the world of the play. Like a prism. It was transporting.”  Rachel Jett, […]

r and j project: Juliet, and her Romeo

Come come!   It will be merry and sad, unexpected and exciting, wild and emphatic, amazing and thrilling. And it is This Weekend!  a one time only event.  the r and j  Project: Juliet, and her Romeo 4 pm, June 15, 2013, the Tenth Narrative Event at the Dragon’s Egg, 401 Shewville Rd, Ledyard assembled yearly […]