No Egg yet, but Active
Greetings, on this snowy February snow moon day, Full Moon in Leo! Beauty is around us, and within us. Beauty abounds – we must remember that, and bring kindness and peace and honor into the world. Marya did a Beastie show in Abington, Mass, to an enthusiastic K-5 audience. They were a delight, engaged, full […]
Tellabration! Saturday, November 9, at 3 pm
Tellabration! Yay!!! Saturday, 11/9 at 3 pm8 Hancox Street, Stonington To honor storytelling, the Ct. Storytelling Center hosts storytelling events throughout the state during the month of November.The Dragon’s Egg has consistently been a part of this event.This year, we shall have a Living Room Tellabration!!! With a number of tellers, onSaturday, 11/9, at […]
Luminaria walk at Copp Family Farm last night, October 4th – magic was indeed afoot! yay Aarya, Anna, Grace, Adeline, Indigo, Madeline, Frida, Jennifer, Rachel, David, Dan, and moi!
Egg and Barn Fire Update
Greetings! We are surrounded by messages of love and support from all of you, from the artists of the Egg, from community, from colleagues, from friends – thank you! And we are also surrounded by a team of professionals who are generous with their time and expertise – the fire department, the insurance […]
Beasts in Bridgeport!
Marya will be performing the solo show of Sky Tailsat 2 pm, on July 15th,at the lovely Black Rock Library on Fairfield Avenue in Bridgeport, Ct. Black Rock Library2705 Fairfield Ave.Bridgeport, CT 06605 Do come join me!It will be great funxo marya

Programme Dragon’s Egg Presents: Tellabration 2020 – Zooming Along! November 15th, at 4 pm. Scroll down for the zoom link. Tellabration is an annual celebration of Storytelling throughout the state during the month of November organized by the Connecticut Storytelling Center ( The Dragon’s Egg ( has happily been a part of this event for […]
Beasts Perform

Marya has been enjoying her solo performances this past month, all of them outside of Boston: at the Bennett Hemenway School, Elizabeth Lyons School, and Lilya Elementary School. She feels vastly blessed to be doing such joyful work! The children are so engaged and fun! The faculty are such fine guides for the educational […]
Beastie Workshops

The Mystic Paper Beasts have been romping with second and third graders of late. Marya has gone into several schools, teaching workshops of mask, movement, and storytelling, using the Beasts’ masks, with great glee for all.
Beasts as Pollinators!

Pequotsepos Nature center had a wonderful evening fundraiser, celebrating Pollinators! on the evening of the Summer Solstice. The Mystic Paper Beasts had a wonderful time romping and flitting and fluttering mongst the guests and festivities. Performers were Dan Potter, Shannon, Marya Ursin, Jeannie Williams. Thank you to the nature center. Do visit them. They have […]

Storytelling at the Egg the Egg the Egg! on Sunday, November 19, at 4 pm, with two wonderful tellers from the Ct. Storytelling Center, plus the Beasts, and Morning Glory, and Carl Peruzzotti! 4 pm. All Ages! Come join us. Donations welcome. This is a part of the month long celebration of storytelling in Connecticut, […]
Out Ct. Pride Festival

The Beasts roved, gallivanted, and danced in mask and costume at the Out Ct. Pride Festival at Ocean Beach last weekend – it was great fun for all! We also costumed various festival and beach attendees to their delight.
Mystic Paper Beasts in Norwood

The Mystic Paper Beasts will be performing Sky Tails at the Cleveland School in Norwood, Massachusetts, on Tuesday, May 23rd. This is a performance that is organized by YAMa, Young Audiences Massachusetts, for which they are a listed troupe. We are looking forward to offering these amazing tales of the sky and earth to […]
Marya at Brandeis

Marya will be giving a Performance/Workshop at Brandeis University on April 30th at 2 pm! Beasts arise in story and movement and song!
Mystic Paper Beasts roved at Hygienic Kids Arts

The Beasts were, as usual, a part of the Hygienic weekend celebration of the Arts and Artists at the end of January, and roved through the gallery dedicated to kids’ art! There were roving Beasts of various ages, music, crafts, and art galore!
Outside the Box Festival!

The Mystic Paper Beasts perform for the fabulous Outside the Box Festival on the Boston Green, July 15, at 2 pm!!

The Beasts have been traipsing from the New Bedford Whaling Museum to the Carroll School in Massachusetts, and now, on May 1, at the Pennfield School in RI. Marya will be performing her one person version of the play she wrote for the Beasts a few years ago, and for which she wrote a story […]
Dreaming the Sky

Marya’s new picture story book, illustrated by Dan Potter and by herself, is here and ready for purchase – from Marya directly! SkyTails – a series of Native American tales. Written by me, illustrated by Dan and by me. $10 in person. to have it mailed: turns out the postage is a bit over $3 […]
Gala! The Dragon’s Egg Celebrates!

Come join us for a Gala to celebrate the Egg: October 4h, 7-10 pm! We began this adventure of the Dragon’s Egg with the dream, the drawing, the construction, the opening, some fifteen years ago. We wanted a place for the Beasts to rehearse and to play, and to provide a place for artists […]
Beasts Rove at Coogan’s Farm
Hi! The Beasts will be roving on Saturday 9/6 from around 5:15 – 6:30 at Coogan Farm for their grand celebration. It is free and suitable for all ages. There will be a cajun band for you to dance to! Bring a picnic, or purchase gourmet delicacies there! 162 Greenmanville Ave, Mystic. namaste, marya Coogan_Farm_Saturday_Poster_1.pdf
Beasts Rove to celebrate Coogan Farm’s opening
Hi! The Beasts will be roving on Saturday 9/6 from around 5:15 – 6:30 at Coogan Farm for their grand celebration. It is free and suitable for all ages. There will be a cajun band for you to dance to! Bring a picnic, or purchase gourmet delicacies there! 162 Greenmanville Ave, Mystic. namaste, marya Coogan_Farm_Saturday_Poster_1.pdf
Beasts in Marlborough!

The Beasts will be performing on Union Square in Marlborough, Mass, on 8/9 at 1 pm. Yay! ‘Twill be fun! Come join us!
Gala! Beasts and Dragons!

Come join us for a Gala to celebrate the Egg: October 4h, 7-10 pm! We began this adventure of the Dragon’s Egg with the dream, the drawing, the construction, the opening, some fifteen years ago. We wanted a place for the Beasts to rehearse and to play, and to provide a place for artists […]