Posts Tagged ‘hygienic egg’

No Egg yet, but Active

Greetings, on this snowy February snow moon day, Full Moon in Leo! Beauty is around us, and within us.  Beauty abounds – we must remember that, and bring kindness and peace and honor into the world. Marya did a Beastie show in Abington, Mass, to an enthusiastic K-5 audience.  They were a delight, engaged, full […]

Three Grants Awarded to the MPB/Dragon’sEgg!

Mystic Paper Beasts Theatre Company/ Dragon’s Egg 8 Hancox Street, Stonington, Ct. 06378 860 535 3346; FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: 
Marya Ursin, Artistic Director, Mystic Paper Beasts/Dragon’s Egg
Phone:860-535-3346; cell: 860 444 7247 (better)
Email: The Mystic Paper Beasts/Dragon’s Egg Receives Three Grants!! In winter 2021/ 2022 With great gratitude ***CT Cultural Fund Operating […]

Hygienic Earth Egg Links us at noon on Sunday

Here is the link for the Hygienic Earth Egg event Sunday, April 25, at noon. Marya Ursin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Hygienic Egg at Home Time: Apr 25, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 820 1822 2788 One tap mobile +13017158592,,82018222788# US […]

February for Love, March for the Poetry of Eco Well being

Our poetry event, Welcome to the New Year, was a fine success, on zoom. There are two dates upcoming for you to hold – I shall post more information as we go along, but, meanwhile: The Poetry of Love, on 2/14 at noon, via zoom. The Vision of Gary Snyder, this year’s Hygienic Egg, again […]

Hygienic Egg

Set your clocks forward and come!  to the Hygienic Galleries, in New London, Ct, On this Sunday, March 8th, at 12:30 pm, to see dance, theatre, hooping, puppets, all in response to the poetry of Emily Dickinson! This is a one time only performance, and should last about an hour or so. March 8th at […]

Hygienic Egg!

The Hygienic Egg is Sunday, March 10th, at 12:30, at the Hygienic Galleries. Artists associated with the Dragon’s Egg will come together to create a promenade performance event at the amazing Hygienic Galleries on Bank Street, in New London. The prompt is Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by TS Elliot, so, generally speaking, the […]

Hygienic Egg

The Hygienic Egg is Sunday, March 10th, at 12:30, at the Hygienic Galleries.  Artists associated with the Dragon’s Egg will come together to create a promenade performance event at the amazing Hygienic Galleries on Bank Street, in New London.  The prompt is Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, by TS Elliot, so, generally speaking, the […]

Hygienic Egg!

Come join us this Sunday for the Hygienic Egg, a performance that moves through all the galleries of the Hygienic Arts in New London, Ct.    The performers come from far and near, and all are associated with the Dragon’s Egg.  Here is our programme! I hope to see you there! March 18 at 12:30. xox […]

The Hygienic Egg!

Sunday, March 18, at the Hygienic Galleries in New London – yay!! Our annual promenade performance, by a number of artists who have been in residence at the Dragon’s Egg, – at the Hygienic Galleries  in New London – is coming up!There will be music, dance, puppetry, theatre, hooping, poetry, with the audience moving through […]

That Was the Hygienic Egg

The Hygienic Egg was a remarkable look at the poetry of Adrienne Rich on the part of dancers, hoopers, poets, monologuists, singers!   The event moved from the entrance area, where, after Marya greeted everyone,  She read a portion of the forward to the collected poems of Adrienne Rich- up to 1974, a sort of […]

Hygienic Egg

  Come to the Hygienic Egg!!  on March 12th, at 12:30 pm, at the Hygienic Galleries in New London.    A group of performers associated with the Dragon’s Egg will be responding to the work of the poet, Adrienne Rich, in this promenade performance work.    Among those artists participating will be   Cristin Cawley […]

Cristin Cawley in the Hygienic Egg

  Cristin will be dancing to one of the poems of Adrienne Rich in the upcoming Hygienic Egg, on March 12th, at 12:30 pm, in New London, Ct.  Please join us!   Movement notations on the poem “Final Notations”. An interpretation of Adrienne Rich’s work, which portrays an individual dealing with struggles internally, socially, politically.  […]