The Egg is flourishing, with dancers and actors, presentations of work in progress by NuDance, Rejectdance, high school residencies, workshops such as the Robert Moss Dream time, Paul Dunion’s Mystery School, Anne Belliveau’s Sacred Sound! Classes in yoga, hooping, and children’s dance continue with glee.
L’Ana Burton’s Children’s Dance Continuum will have its 25th anniversary concert on May 17, at the Garde Theatre: they are rehearsing all over town, with lots of time at the Egg.
NTI spent a day and evening of frolic and creation, preparatory to their final project, which will be on May 2 and 3 at the O’Neill, and will be about O’Neill – his life and work.
Marya is just home from performing Sky Woman for the All Over Westbeth Festival in NYC – six times! She had great fun.
The next open showings at the Egg will be:
Amy Larimer and co. will present work in progress on Saturday, May 31, at 5 pm (possibly 4 pm – check the website calendar).
Nicky Checker will have a reading of his work, play/novel, on June 1, at 5 pm. Again, check the online calendar to be sure of times.
The Beasts will be performing in Massachusetts on Friday May 9th, at a Montessori School, and will be parading on May 26.
May is bringing rain, squalls, and brightly hued flowers, wild bird songs, and more and more light.
The Egg is flourishing.. Be well!
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