TAPA at the Egg in November
TAPA Dance Company: Senior Ensemble
Goodbyes are so much harder when you know you have been living in a dream. The TAPA Dance Company just took our Senior Ensemble for a two day residency at The Dragon’s Egg for a series of peer-facilitated workshops on yoga/meditation, conceptual performance art, authentic movement, (contact) improvisation, self care, artistic process, and anti-oppression community building. It is a privilege and honor to guide and be guided by this ensemble of young artists – their (com)passion, honesty, determination, and courage is overflowing in their work and I truly don’t know how I will be able to say goodbye this coming June. Being on retreat inspires new ways of thinking, creating, relating, questioning, and existing.

What if schools felt less like factories to maximize (/create an illusion of) efficiency and more like retreat centers aimed to be inclusive, thoughtful, and healing? How can we create space in our economy for the ideals of our classrooms to exist for our students after we send them out into the world?
Sitting in the present
The future does not exist
Leaning on our community is not always easy
Trusting ourselves is not always easy
But when we let go of our weight
When we trust the universe
When we step back to listen
When we share our secret language
We move out of our defensiveness
Healing is full of stains
Tension feels inevitable
Love is the answer
The youth know
Listen to them
Trust them
Trust each other
Love without conditions
Allow the wind to move you
Let go of your weight
– Matt Garza, Creative Director – TAPA Dance Company
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 13th, 2018 at 5:00 pm. It is filed under Featured, Residencies and tagged with dance, high school, residencies, TAPAS, theatre.
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