Dragon’s Egg Re Opening Plans

Marya with chair 710 19 ripostes copy


I hope you are faring well in this glorious season of sun and thunderstorms, that you are sheltering in place as much as you can, and taking care of yourselves and of others by wearing masks and practicing social distancing.

The Egg has been closed to all activity since early March, and is beginning to open, but very guardedly.

The Mystic Paper Beasts board met last week, and we have implemented various guidelines, changes, in how we welcome artists, teachers, students, events, to the Egg, in this time of Covid 19.

Most teachers are hesitant to return to teaching in the fall, though some may teach some classes. They cannot teach while there is an artistic residency, as we do not want there to be exposures one way or the other between participants of either.

We have a resident for the entire month of August, a musician who will also be spending time in contemplation, as she plans on a future spiritual retreat at a Buddhist Center.

Then, in September and October, we have residents: Shura Baryshnikov, Melissa Riker, Moving Architects, Two in Seven Billion, Falls Kennedy.

The number of artists allowed is limited to four, and the duration is likewise limited. Between each there will be an interval, during which there will be a deeper cleaning/disinfecting of the Egg.

There are requirements for complying with state medical guidelines, a waiver, strong cleaning protocols.

All of these are posted on the website, under “About Dragon’s Egg”.

We expect these new guidelines to be in effect until the end of the year, at which point we shall re assess,

Thank you all for your support in these endeavors to both be open for artists, and mindful of a larger picture of health and well being.

I shall keep you posted.

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